Monday, January 21, 2008

Is A Sprain Supposed To Constantly Hurt

& Prices ...

Oggi ho ricevuto un commento sul blog, a cui mi interessa rispondere in modo articolato e puntuale, per questo lo ripropongo quotato qui di seguito.

Sono venuta un paio di volte ad acquistare prodotti senza glutine; devo dire che la qualità ed il sapore sono ottimi, in particolar modo dei dolci tipo bignè, profitterol ecc...


ma i prezzi sono davvero esagerati.

Il claim di Le Ben è Piacere sì, glutine no.
Non è uno slogan, è una dichiarazione d'intenti, sono queste le due rotaie del nostro binario: no al glutine cioè nessuna contaminazione e sì al piacere all' esperienza organolettica .

Sull'assenza di contaminazione siamo intransigenti, non troviamo sufficientemente sicure le 20 ppm che ammette la legge: vogliamo che le analisi delle nostre materie prime e dei nostri prodotti abbiano meno glutine di quanto le analisi riescano a rilevare (3 ppm in Italia, 1 ppm in Argentina).

E se queste materie prime, questi controlli e questo processo, incidono per X euro sul costo di un certo prodotto noi abbiamo due sole possibilità: ci assumiamo interamente il costo oppure non facciamo il prodotto.

Non siamo disposti a degradare in alcun modo la sicurezza alimentare per un qualunque beneficio economico: o sicuri o niente, se farlo sicuro è troppo costoso allora non si può fare.

Sull'esperienza organolettica il discorso è -necessariamente- un po' più sfumato.

We try to make products that are good to eat and beautiful to see and submit.
We believe this is made with quality ingredients, hand-processed and verified by a sensory test.

In this case the evaluation is subjective and we are more transigenti we are willing to do something different, or a little 'less beautiful or good, than we would like so that its cost is acceptable.
But not often.

In any case, if you do it tolerably good and beautiful is too expensive then you can not do.

So we have a price limit, evidently high, beyond which they produce, but below which we can indulge ourselves with the finest raw materials, work fresh and genuine products in line with our claim.

We can not, nor want, to compete on price: we do on quality.

All of that said, there would be the premise for our prices were really exaggerated, but it is so ?

gluten-free prices are available on the net, and the comparison (1) , our results:
- In line or lower than other craft exclusively GF;
- generally in line or lower (with rare exceptions ) payable by the SSR of industrial products, sometimes processed by companies promiscuous;
- more expensive than industrial products sold by supermarket chains, often developed by companies promiscuous.

Our meal cost lives, production, three times more than a flour industry, other raw materials (chocolate, butter, oil, etc..) Cost even more compared to the industry, our whole process is more consideration: our product out of the kitchen at a cost that is 3 to 6 times higher than its distributed similar drugs, how then are the same price on the shelf ( 2) ?

And then, above all, why are my what are perceived as exaggerated really?

The pizza (4 pieces medium) I know cost 25 €. A girl who is studying and wants to remove his whim can not gutted every week, a round pizza in a restaurant will cost € 8 to max even Takeaway ... regoliamoci then some are otherwise forced to not to come, unfortunately.

Our white pizza costs € 18.50 / kg, the seasoned € 24.00 / kg.
If you've spent more than € 25 you get a pound of pizza topped ...
I believe that a student, in fact, can not afford-the-whim every week to eat over a kilo of pizza: I do not know if Sven, certainly does not do well.

However, by us, with € 8.00 Take a slice of pizza (medium) and also a supplement (also Take-away), but choosing between this round and the restaurant is up to you.

touches me understand what this is due to perceptual distortion, optical illusion, that our product looks more expensive than the others even if it is not.

(1) exactly one year ago, in a spat Forum AIC , I posted some data, in the meantime, our prices have remained constant.
(2) always in the same discussion, the chain of distribution of gluten-free, and its costs have written something here .

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What Causes Puffy Upper Eyelids

Gluten Free Holiday Hours at the Glass

The Rome guide Gambero Rosso awards 76 points (including 45 of the kitchen) and a Glass Hostaria description begins:

delightful restaurant in the heart of Trastevere, with a modern and welcoming environment where glass and metal are heated by wood.
The service is always friendly and attentive, the cuisine of Cristina Bowerman serves as living very well balance and creativity in which we seem to have found its best expression.
The wine list has been expanded and you can drink by the glass very well.

then goes on to list and praising the dishes and concludes on the grounds of the bonus: the shuttle bus that takes you from the parking lot at the restaurant ... really handy if you do not feel like walking.

and from 1 January 2008 there is a new : those who eat gluten will find fresh bread and pastries at Le Ben, if you want e-book and with a little 'before too pastry-fresh and gluten-free cakes.

Glass Hostaria - Vicolo del Cinque, 58 06 58335903