Friday, January 29, 2010

Trash And Vaudville La California

Goliarda resurgence


There is grateful to these columns to extend our appeal to those who keep the cult of the noble traditions univeristarie goliardia because the dead rise again. With deep sense of satisfaction we have noticed that the problem of rebirth goliardic worry and hassles the student.

not only the student: the press was interested in town yesterday with sympathy of our events. It is a national holiday and in the centuries-old joined us for the glorification has retained all the esteem and goodwill of which then gave us proof.


However, what I reported above is the beginning of an article in a periodical titled "The Goliardo. It was the year ... 1923! To be exact it was 21 November 1923 and the magazine was published in that of Padua.

What do you notice? What strikes you immediately about the piece? I'll tell you ... i always think that Goliarda NSMG is at sunset, which is about to expire, and not only! Goliards I always think "... oh, those good old days! Then the student spirit was serious!"

then? Am I not right? In 1923, say 1923, he was already thinking that the student spirit should rise again! In a motorcycle vacation this state of mind has come back, and more, more, more, more ...

I now say ENOUGH! Goliarda be proud of your feluccas! Make your flag, get out on the streets are proud of your plate and your coats, do See all citizens of your cities that Our Blessed Mother does not pay in a bad state, E 'VIVA! VIVA as never before.

Please see the flame burning in your hearts of those who are still in their twenties, you see that we are not only drunkenness and vulgarity, which Goliarda is written with a capital letter and that it is not the end but the means to forge the best men and women, with an awareness of today and tomorrow in the hope that they do not fear any comparison!

NO NOT 'THE DEAD Goliarda!


Tazzone, Principe sognatore ... ma non troppo

Venerdì 29 gennaio 1969 + 41


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hardwire Drum Pendant

Avatar and the web of life

Finally, after four years (!) Are back in a movie theater, irreplaceable place of secular shared attention. I saw Avatar , produced the film, expensive and technologically advanced. To spur the enthusiastic opinion of Spielberg, an artist who has always admired.
I had the good fortune to watch the film in an empty room, alone with my dear cousin, film lover, who, having decided, after ten minutes, the movie was awful, he began to annotate every scene, accusing him of being useless review of topoi beaten by American cinema: a border-line character encounters a new civilization first skeptical and convinced of his inferiority, then more and more involved (even the other people affected by a female), and can become an integral and get to fight against its own people belong. Dances with Wolves, very high, and - while beautiful - The Last Samurai address this issue: the "clash of civilizations" that has - genocide - and removed the Native Americans - the other - "modernized" Japan. Why propose, therefore, this issue in the future? Only to deploy a powerful arsenal of special effects? Elaborating that provocation has come to the conclusion that "Avatar" is a great movie, not just the technology, while fascinating, but mainly because it re-theme of the "clash" and with a scientific-philosophical-spiritual background that there could be in similar films. While it is true that both the Native American culture that is steeped in Japanese with stretches of deep spirituality pantheistic and deeply respectful of nature, however, only since the Sixties has begun to structure a thought that crossed ecology, physics , biology and spirituality, has challenged the paradigm of "mechanistic" hard to die, also subject to powerful shots from the second scientific revolution (that of the early twentieth century). I think that the disclosure of these acquisitions did Fritjof Capra in books like The Tao of Physics , The turning point , The Web of Life: "It's a new thought process, characterized in a holistic sense or more systemic: it is so named because it emphasizes the system, the network consists of multiple complex interrelationships, and not the individual constituent units (as would the analytical approach of Cartesian). Following this approach, which focuses on the "web of life" (very effective image often used by Capra) and interconnections Cosmic, man himself is seen as part of nature (and not in opposition to it) "(Wikipedia ). Here, I believe that Avatar is a brilliant film and paradoxical because at the height of technology tells us that technology will not save us, that it will lead to even worse that we can commit murder that is not of God the Father, as he thought Nietzsche, but that of the Mother Earth (which it did in the movie). And it is a radical film because it contrasts with the community life of the Na'vi "superomismo" individualistic men, solitary monads and obsessed by money alone. It is a radical film because it imagines a world in which, knowing to be part of the web of life, so you kill to feed but please on the corpse of the killed, knowing that "we are one."
Above all, and I end up responding to my cousin, move into the future clash of civilizations was needed to pretend (beneficial illusion!) That there will be a happy ending: we know that the Indian tribes were wiped out, forced to reservations, finally annihilated casinos, we know that Japan, after the Meiji Restoration, the most sinister features borrowed from the West of imperialism and racism. Looking at "Avatar" and the Mother Eywa that destroys the greedy settlers can hope that not everything is already decided, that in some way, breaking the spell that began in 1600, we revert to being part of the Gea / Pandora, devoted children, "docile fibers of the universe."