Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Convert A Cable Wire To Sub Cable


's start with what we did recently ...

We did not do the mini-cooking course in March, we jumped.

And we will not do even that of April.

The reasons are two: 1
. Opening the "institutionalized" on Saturday would overlap with the course, causing problems for customers and peers;
2. the increase in workload and makes the raw materials stored, at the moment, the lab a bit 'tight.

But we are working to recover courses that lost-probably-will be required (May, June?) in other more convenient and appropriate location; give details as soon as it is a bit 'more "crystallized".

Now go to the novelty of the title.

From April 25th to May 4th we will be at puppies & campaign, Cesano (very close to Bracciano) is held for nine years, this market shows a very "country", animals, organic products, local art and - This year there is also a stand-where to eat gluten free.

It 's a great place to take a trip out of town.

Even if you eat gluten free.


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