Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where To Find The Papers In Counterfeit Island

European Museum of the Student Conclave


opens its doors in Bologna's first museum dedicated to the history of university students in Europe (Meus). From the fifteenth century illuminated freshman by the name of Kopperlingk Nicholas (Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543) - Polish astronomer, then a student at the University of Bologna, which would show the world that the sun, and not the earth, the center of the orbits neighboring planets - the French May and the role of universities in the movement of '68: a collection illustrating the history lasting nine centuries, the presence and delle tradizioni studentesche nelle principali città universitarie del continente.

A tal proposito ricevo dal Diletto Fratello René Olé, ultimo Gran Maestro del SaVOT di Pisa prima del 1970 una comunicazione che volentieri pubblico.


Diletto Fratello in Goliardia,

non Ti spaventare per la lunghezza dello scritto; Ti chiedo umilmente di leggerlo fino in fondo e di riflettere! Purtroppo il 28 marzo non ho potuto presenziare all'inaugurazione del Museo, ma forse è stata una fortuna, dato che avrei dovuto vedere atteggiamenti ed ascoltare frasi che non condivido. 
Comunque, molto interessato all'evento, ho letto su siti Internet ufficiali and seen / heard on Youtube all possible. From the research I

extrapolated as follows:

1) From the Department of History of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna:

"The main expressions European student associations (Goliarda, Faluche, Zofingue, Burschenschaft, Tunos ... ) from the middle of the nineteenth century, have settled in some form of communication that, even today, bear witness to the originality and anticipate individual vocations and
cultural trends. The theme of the fifth section of the Meuse (Culture and folklore student) offers visitors a brief immersion in that world, through a rich selection of student newspapers, posters with graphics sometimes surprisingly innovative, theatrical pieces produced by students and repertoire of songs that formed the soundtrack of generations. Do not miss the costumes (hats, coats, insignia of orders goliardic ...) and, starting from the keys of a jukebox, you can select the movies of some student parties. "

2) Dall'UNIBO Magazine:

" The March 27, 2009 in Bologna MEUSE opened the first museum dedicated to the history of university students in Europe. Three hundred items, selected from the thousands available to the Alma Mater, set out to tell a long story nine centuries: that the relationship between students and the university. "

3) From the Historical Archives:

"I am now ten years since a group of scholars and enthusiastic supporters began to plan a" Museum of Students and the student spirit, "allargatosi project gradually to include the various expressions of the world European students the first forms today. The project has acquired a name that reflects its next evolution:
"European Museum of the Students' (NDS: Meuse and in the acronym)"

4) From Hyperbole, Network Civic Municipality Bologna:

"Meuse Museum of Students and student spirit."

5) From the Province of Bologna:

"The numerous collections include, inter alia, substantial collections of objects (goblets, trays, porcelain, mugs, medals, jewelry, figurines, pipes, good luck), clothing (caps, hats, ribbons, badges, uniforms, scarves, coats, shoes, gowns), Graphics (postcards, drawings, photographs, diplomas, lithographs, posters, maps, scrolls, silhouettes, coat of arms), but also trunks, lamps, desks, chairs, tables, scrolls, papers, code, degrees, administrative regulations, edicts, bookplates, invitations, booklets university enrollment, programs, student parties, books, seals, Stammbücher. "

6) Universinet.it From:

" Saturday, March 28, at 17, a meeting public with the showman Renzo Arbore, a symbol of national jokes. "

7) Università.it From:

" The documents and objects Meus, purchased or donated by, tell the changing role of university students from the thirteenth the twentieth century, with ample space to the topic of "student spirit"

8) From the Republic, 12 October 2000:

"The 'Fitton' original (the copy is in Via Zamboni, the beginning of the portico of the Rector) will be exposed after 50 years. It 's the symbol of the student spirit and will be sent back to the first room of the Museum of the students that the university opened this morning at Palazzo Poggi. With the exception of a godfather: Renzo Arbore. His cocked hat is ready, the teacher provides jazz musician Leonard Giardina, president of Alma Matris Alumni. (Nds Renzo Arbore). will be joined by Umberto Eco, the rector of the new and outgoing Roversi Monaco, Pier Ugo Calzolari.

Objections and findings related to the episode, I will start to get lighter than those of substance.

a) I am surprised that the Department of History of the Alma Mater does not know the difference between the German and Swiss student associations [the latter are certainly the most famous !!!], the feluccas [correct me, hats! !], the English singers and Goliarda [correct me, culture and folklore student !!!].

b) the sites mentioned in this documentation goliardia the word appears only five times (four would be, but "Abundo Melius quam in deficit") and the words never goliards or clerics.

c) In this approach was logical that the "Museum of Students and student spirit" evolved (!!!) in "European Museum of Students."

d) The name listed on the site of the City of Bologna is probably, indeed certainly, a typo that will soon change.

and) I hope that in some room of the Meuse there is still the taproot, the subject of many stories and a symbol of that date Goliarda Bolognese his papers still referring to the historic bollard (2009 is the post traslationem Fictonis XCVII, to Fictonis Ingabbiatus LIX, LI to Fictonis in Universitate).

f) Because "the collection includes original material from the thirteenth to the twentieth century (and) the exhibition is divided into five sections that describe the evolution of the figure of the student over time and in its many forms," \u200b\u200bI am sure that in Palazzo Poggi breathe Goliarda everywhere, perhaps with the exception of part of the fourth section, and that the exhibits are for the most part from jokes. Perhaps it would be appropriate that someone had refreshed ideas about the history of the Middle Ages.

g) I believe that Renzo Arbore, rather than the symbol National goliardia, Goliardo is the best known of Italy. In fact, even personally know many brothers in Goliarda, peers or not, which could be just as knowledge and militancy. Of course I recognize that, without controversy, but with great elegance Arbore succeeded in emphasizing the reticence towards the millennium phenomenon of goliardia proposing to "customs clearance", given that, I would add, the Supreme Court, in a ruling example, has cleared through customs, even the good old "fuck you".

h) Bologna has excellent records of Vera Goliarda and nurtured Goliarda quality, but the Bologna university boys did nothing to keep "alive the image of students as a class potentially dangerous. "Instead, they reached another" record ", that of silence.
Perhaps because their only concern was to appear crammed with decorations, pendants and feathers in front of the cameras or do because they would be sorry to contradict teachers present at the inauguration? They should remember that consistency required to attend the inauguration of the Museum of students as students and as university boys! Feriae The next could be an opportunity to fix it. Goliardus NECN, tertium non datur!

i) Finally, I confirm my appreciation to the initiative of museums, but my anger at the deliberate omission of the words and collegiate student spirit in all official communications, starting with the name of the museum. To overturn an expression of U.S. left half of the twentieth century I would define the action against the student spirit "politically incorrect".

j) What crime was perpetrated by adding "European" to the original name, that is, European Museum of the Students and the student spirit or even better, joyful and European Museum of the students? However, if the acronym MEUSE was chosen for the similarity with the Latin language, the only result will be that no Goliardo can say "Hic locus est MEUSE.

René Olé, last Grand Master of the SaVOT of Pisa before 1970.


Tuesday, May 5, 1969 + 40


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