Saturday, June 6, 2009

How To Walk With Orthopedic Walking Boot

The satyr sylvan and iconic Caster

"The satyr is a mythical male companion Pan and Dionysus, che abita boschi e montagne. È personificazione della fertilità e della forza vitale della natura, connessa con il culto dionisiaco.
I satiri sono generalmente raffigurati come esseri umani barbuti con caratteristiche animali [...] Vengono rappresentati come esseri lascivi, spesso dediti al vino, a danzare con le ninfe ed a suonare il flauto. 
Talvolta hanno un vistoso fallo in erezione"

Davvero il suo nome era un presagio. Non è mai cambiato. È sempre rimasto uomo delle selve, essere irrimediabilmente silvano, malgrado lo sforzo sovrumano, malgrado i gessati, gli abiti attillati... Il suo fallo ha continuato a reclamare vergini per soddisfare appetiti vigorosi.
O è il padre/padrone dell'orda primordiale, claiming for itself all the women in the group? And, if so, it would be right, then kill him for the killing and made taboo compensate him symbolically with the erection of a totem? And what could ever totems symbolize? The butterfly, dicitur, all the girls had "marked" by its member insatiable?
will be, I wonder, out of envy that I speak? I am that child who wants to kill him, finally, have access to all women?
In any case, the interest with which I am following the events of these weeks, I realize that there are constants that shape the mythic events. In sociological
I could say that those of soap opera soap opera dies of wounds. And since people autobiography of the nation's forests and it is right that this nation, which has expressed in its history only virtuous minorities (of which, with little modesty, I feel part of and heir), dissolve in a tragicomedy filled with "Dangerous Liaisons" and "Hot "wrath of his wife horned dragons, silly servants ...
The reality is much more exciting dreams. What a great artist could have imagined a dystopia so absurd? When the nightmare is over many will ask astonished: but how was it possible? It happened at other times ... In 1943, for example. Then, as now, few will pay for their connivance. Almost all discover that they have always condemned the savagery and corruption soul. Some body will eventually be exposed as a scapegoat ...
The goat, the satyr, the Silvanus ...
Finally, it is right that the satyr is annihilated by the satire.


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