Monday, August 24, 2009

Clothes Racks Rent Dallas

Raduno Ultras...contro la Tessera del Tifoso!!!

"NO FAN OF THE CARD - YES to amendment of Article 9"

Saturday, September 5 at 10:00 Rome - Viale Tor di Quinto (Rome area)
Following the meeting took place in the city of South America where, much to our amazement there was an influx of fans from all over Italy who have shown desire to fight and not yield to new forms of repression of the Italian State, it was already decided as most of you know, to fight this battle all together by putting deck rivalry, parochialism and political colors. The meeting in Latin America thanks to the great response of the Italian Ultras who came from all over the country with ideas to offer and want to fight for the protection of the nost "BE" and especially thanks to the participation of the team of lawyers that the vast majority of us finally elucidated the ideas about what is the "Card of the Fan" and what may be the forms to counter its advent, has given us the desire and the strength of rtirovarci for another great meeting in the capital. Within a few months to get everything back in motion toward the common goal. This next meeting place will serve us all to take a definitive position, to be held to hear our dissent, and to block or file the forms that characterize the "Pass of the fans." With the conviction and certainty that any organized group and / or supporters will bring with him a real and viable project to evaluate and implement all together we invite you to participate without delay and existential doubts that too many times have slowed the race of 'Being Ultras ".

- Latina - Tivoli - Curva Sud Roma-Viterbo - Lazio Curva Nord -


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