Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do Usb Grabbers Have To Connect To Pc?

Reasoning on the themes of my students dedicated to music ...

È il primo anno che insegno italiano ad una classe, pur avendo studiato, in fondo (ma tanti, tanti anni fa…) per questo. Ed è, dunque, il primo anno che leggo “temi” dei miei alunni, pur avendo fatto praticare in passato forme di scrittura molto personali anche nelle ore di filosofia. Read an issue is a burden and a privilege. Beyond the sense of monotony that sometimes occurs, of course, there are shock, lighting upon the souls, expectations, fears of adolescents entrusted to us by chance. When I posted the track on music on my Facebook profile several friends have commented in a positive way. I'm glad I chose a cut like that, it was an important moment of verification of my work but also of my passions. Because I, like Nietzsche, I believe that the world without music would be a mistake and, recently, I wrote what I imagine Heaven, Dante, as a place of acoustic delights of heavenly song, with a clear preference for the music of organ Bach. Non è casuale che nelle giornate di cogestione dedichi delle ore alla musica o quando vado a sostituire faccia ascoltare De Andrè piuttosto che Dylan. Non è casuale, infine, che in un’altra classe abbia fatto ascoltare e vedere integralmente il Don Giovanni di Mozart e Da Ponte.
“La musica, misteriosa forma del tempo”… Un verso che risuona spesso nella mia mente, di un grandissimo poeta argentino, Jorge Luis Borges. La musica forma del tempo…
Ho letto con grande interesse i lavori dei miei alunni. Uno solo, eroico, ha svolto la traccia letteraria, con ammirevole rigore che ripaga di lezioni dedicate ad un momento misconosciuto della cultura italiana, the Commedia dell'Arte. No one, that's for sure speculum temporis, had the courage to face the current track, dedicated to the widespread corruption in the body social and political Italian. You are given all the music, caught by drunken Dionysian spirit, Mario how to write, my pupil and Baroque d'Annunzio. What struck me about these pages? Certainly the pervasiveness of music in their lives. And then? Then, in the negative, flattening - with rare exceptions - on the present or recent past in terms of taste. It made me tender anguish that leaked from the pages of Raissa for the inability to communicate the beauty music of the so-called "classical" to their peers. Another element that struck me, and indeed what led me to these thoughts in writing is the idea, shared by many, that music is first of all self-expression. I thought, but what happens to all those compositions, such as rituals, which have nothing to do with the artist's inner? The band music or celebrations, martial music, national anthems ... Once I realized what a mistake has romance in earnest in all the arts, leading most to believe that the art is a manifestation of the soul "genius", the artist ... The music, I think, is in things ... And, perhaps, the Pythagorean and Platonic idea, taken from Dante, and the harmony of the spheres could help to overcome this subjective idea ... From this flattening derived from it another, also very popular: and the idea that music today has value only if accompanied by significant words ... Many children have written to them are critical of those "verses" (Vasco, Ligabue, the most cited ...). But then, I say to myself, what sense is music without words? I am increasingly aware that, in reality, the music meets two needs. The first, of its own, is to speak a non-verbal language, capable (I liked the evocation of Orpheus in one of the issues, very impressive) to move plants and animals, var vibrate our body, pushing it to the dance, as happens with Alessia Martina or on stage. But the Italian songs for the more well understood in English or meet the needs of poetry inherent to adolescence. This thought is intertwined, in a casual but not too short, with reflection offered to children of F III, the contemporary sense of poetry. Almost none, I dare say. The man needs to poetry, and today the search in the texts of the singers. Hence the rant Mario. But there must be a reason for this. What teachers should suggest to us that natural selection of boys, this entrust to them the expression della loro anima ai versi delle canzoni? Questo elemento ricorre in quasi tutti gli scritti: “è come se fosse entrato dentro di me”, scrivono; “è come se avesse letto nel mio cuore”.
E per me la musica cos’è? Sicuramente un’arte, forse la più elevata. Schopenhauer diceva che la musica è la voce stessa del mondo. All’età dei miei alunni avevo gusti ristretti, anch’io ostaggio delle major e delle radio… Ricordo gli hit dell’epoca che oggi mi fanno sorridere. Però per caso scoprii Bach e iniziai ad ascoltare la musica “colta”. All’università mi aprii, iniziai avidamente ad acquistare 33 giri e storie music, reconstructing the history of rock from the fifties to today. Today on my hard drive in a therapeutic form of mp3 holy space is almost all that has been produced since the Middle Ages to the present, with a foreclosure unjustified personnel to jazz. What I always tell students is: be curious, the technology now puts you in conditions that no generation of the world and has never had any time, to know all forms of musical expression, of all ethnicities. Each event, therefore, any time of day can have its breath, its rhythm ... And then, thank you again, like Borges, the divine creator of the cosmos for lullabies whispered to my daughter, whose viaticum sleep is always the music, Pachelbel and his fee for the majestic sound of the organ and the poignant sweetness of violins, the guitar of Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin's voice, saving in spite of their destruction, the music of all time, a mysterious form of time.


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