Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Canon Dslr Travel Bag

Praise for Mourinho

The real football and soccer great

I know almost all the possible objections and criticisms to this discussion, and some share it. Football is an integral part of contemporary capitalism, in some ways is the emblem, including construction forced imaginary television and salaries billionaires. Imagine for a moment to speak, however, the calcium level to its "ideal" pure form of sport, a combination of competitive spirit, team play, individual talent.

One Fine Day ... Inter

I started cheering Inter-case basis. My father gave me a complete Inter: Nerazzurri shirt, shorts blacks, thick woolen socks Inter. It was a great thrill for me. My father loved football and sport in general. I do not know why he did. In any case, as often happens, scored a destiny. My earliest memories are from Inter legati agli album Panini: Lido Vieri, Muraro, Pasinato, Oriali, Beccalossi… Ricordo molti pianti per eliminazioni dell’Inter in coppa. Essere interista ha significato patire per molti anni più che gioire, soffrire un apparentemente irrimediabile complesso di inferiorità rispetto al blasone della Juventus, alla sua forza serena, e poi alla grandezza del Milan berlusconiano. Anni grami. Interismo viene giustamente corretto, scrivendo in word, automaticamente in “isterismo”. Parole comunicanti per tanti, troppi anni, con l’unica parentesi della formidabile Inter di Trapattoni, l’Inter teutonica, con un immenso terzino sinistro (Brehme) e uno straordinario centrocampista universale, Lothar Mattheus, con whose name on the back I would like to end my long career as an amateur. Then, still dark, the only ray of sunshine in the Uefa Cup victory with Lazio , the unspeakable bitterness of May 5, dies alliensis , Ronaldo's tears of a whole people who had betrayed the last corner. Then the unexpected happened: we discovered with amazement, though having it in the end always known, that for many years the game had been rigged by a cabal of criminals matriculated, the conditions under which consignments through the capillary control of the designation of arbitration and the arbitrators themselves. We saw more of the opponents in the dust and ignominy. Partial compensation of so much blood was bitter. Began another storia, che per me coincise (segno straordinario) con la nascita di mia figlia. Quella storia continua ancora: mia figlia cresce serena, l’Inter è diventata la squadra da battere del campionato italiano. Il merito di tutto ciò va alla società, ai tanti soldi del petroliere Moratti (c’è sicuramente un rapporto tra le vittorie dell’Inter di quest’anno e il costo della benzina, inutile negarlo), all’abilità di persone come Branca e Oriali, per anni considerati dei “pirla”, che hanno preso Cambiasso a parametro zero e Maicon prima che esplodesse, ad esempio, costruendo una squadra praticamente perfetta. Squadra guidata da un bravo tecnico, Roberto Mancini, che ci ha regalato tanto: two league titles, in particular, but unable to rise to a European level.

Man Setubal

With a twist typical of his management, Moratti Mancini replaced last year with Jose Mourinho, fascinating Portuguese coach, who won the Champion's with Porto, the finalist with Chelsea , with whom he won two Premier League. Last year's man Setubal coached a team not built by him, having failed nell'innesto two new people (a very keen and handsomely paid), Quaresma and Mancini, and sacrificing to a new form (4-3-3 ) ranked in the qualifying round of the Champion's. Quiet victory of the championship, with the bitterness for the elimination of Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester. This summer the revolution: five new players acquired thanks to the fruitful exchange with Barcelona between Ibrahimovic, Inter's Mancini demiurge, and Et'o. With the money difference between the two, many have been taken: Milito, Thiago Motta, Lucio, Snejider and, in January, Pandev. All grafts are decisive for Inter who have won the Italian Cup, league title and played the final of the Champions Bayern, after removal of Chelsea and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen winning the Premier League and English. Mourinho is an alien in the world of football. We are weaving a eulogy before final and most likely his departure from Inter. He once said: "He only understands football does not understand anything about football." I just have to define the anomaly of a self-referential character in a world inhabited by icons "ignorant" and proud of their ignorance. Italian football is Francesco Totti, his free-range sympathy, unmindful of books of poetry. Well, Mourinho, against this stereotype is claimed ignorance of the media coverage that almost mo 'value, said almost harshly another image of football: hard work, meticulous study and culture. Occurred, he already multilingual, the first conference with a sparkling Italian Italianissimo coaches would envy for their vocabulary and constipated. He coined phrases entered in the imagination of those years: from "zero tituli" to "intellectual prostitution". He has always led with intelligence and finesse his opponents without ever being vulgar. He denounced the obvious limitations of our football, especially its link with the economic powers that make it a little self-judgments. This has created the reputation of a great communicator, overshadowed by his ability to coach, a psychologist, a trainer and tactician. Inter emerged reborn from the care Mourinho has become a team, first of all, no prima donnas, capable of sacrifice. He was excited to see Et'o, candidate for the Ballon d'Or, Lion of Africa, twice winner of the Champion's, make left-back in some matches. This we can only get those who are following with absolute confidence of his men. It is paradoxical, but Mourinho was able to turn twenty samples in a team based on mutual aid. And all this happened without ever discussing his private life. All the opposite of what happens in Italian football. For all these reasons, beyond the outcome of Saturday - the first final of Inter fans for generations like mine - we have gratitude to this man. Not only are Inter fans, obviously, but all coloro che in Italia amano il calcio. Coniugare lo sport con la cultura (chi citerà più Sartre in una sua polemica?), con modi fermi ma sempre civili è cosa rara in un paese sguaiato e plebeo come l’Italia, dove l’ignoranza viene spacciata per spontaneità. Mourinho, infine, nei modi in cui ha gestito il caso Balotelli, bambino viziato aspirante al ruolo di stella, ha data una grande lezione di pedagogia applicata a educatori e genitori.
Il calcio italiano, da domenica, sarà più banale, più rozzo, più ignorante. Ci mancherà, mi mancherà.


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