Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Gay Masterbait

Friday 17

Teatro De Simone - At 18.00

Contemplation flame

Tribute to Joseph Luongo Bartolini

Projecting Remember life

Directed by Leonardo County

Humanitas and research of the beyond:

essay by Carlo Di Lieto

interludes on saxophone Anthony Mastrogiacomo

Saturday 18

Teatro De Simone - At 18.00


Introduced Alberico D'Auria

Sunday 19

Gardens Theatre De Simone - At 20.30

If the sun

Nothing scares

intertext internal work of Pier Paolo Pasolini

spoken voices: The corybant

Tuesday, 21

Teatro De Simone - At 18.30

Bianca Frabotta

Quartet masses and voice

Fragments for poetic autobiography introduces Nicholas


Wednesday 22

Teatro De Simone - At 18.00

Sandro Pedicini poet

words, images and music with James Cerulo, EUDEC Feleppa and Hugh Simon.


Venerdì 24

Teatro De Simone

Ore 17,00

La poesia “meridiana”

Giuseppe Iuliano e Paolo Saggese

Centro di documentazione sulla poesia del Sud


Ore 19,00

Riccardo Dalisi e la poesia dell’arte povera

Proiezione di Latta e caffè di Antonello Matarazzo

essay by Robert Serino

Saturday 25

Library Luidig \u200b\u200b(Collenea Palace, Corso Garibaldi 95) - 18 Hours

Gabriele Frasca:

Of empty entries

Introduced by David De Rei

Sunday 26

Teatro De Simone - 18 hours

the rose needed:

The bow and the lyre

Poetry in source of René Char

Program Art'Empori for "Poetry in the form of pink

Monday, September 20, 2010 - Via San Modesto - Benevento

Day in collaboration with the Center for Disabilities 'E' more beautiful together. "

In case of rain, the event will be held in the gymnasium of the elementary school St. Modesto, in Florence.

0re 16.00 - Piazza San Modesto

A new strategy of love . The poetry of hid in the heart : there, no one would try. They found the children, poets and clowns. Laboratory to community care RNCD Clown Doctors.

0re 20.00 - Piazza San Modesto poetic - first part.

Poetry reading, proposed by Benevento, from " - \u200b\u200bKnot Free speech and civic poetry."

0re 21.00 - Piazza San Modesto

"The world saved by children." multimedia events created by Alexander Caporaso, Luigi and Alessandro Furno Paolo Lombardo (Art'Empori). Based on the text of Elsa Morante.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Piazza Santa Sofia - Benevento

18.00-Teatro De Simone


Public debate on the words capable of action, capable of emotions on the common good.


presentation and PoeCivismo related instruments

Prepared by the members of Art'Empori

- Manifesto PoeCivismo. Movement of authors and users for an art capable of good common

- Decalogue of cultural emporiums.

Ten resolutions for use / stewardship of cultural emporiums (libraries, art galleries, music venues, cinema, theater);

- Decalogue of the cultural and environmental organizations.

Ten rules to responsibly organize and attend fairs, festivals, exhibitions and conferences;

- Ten Commandments of responsible journalism.

Ten rules for writing and reading information responsibly in newspapers, TV and web;

- Poecivismo. pages.

The sheet Art'Empori for an art capable of good. Magazine of Arts and depth;

- Poecivismo. I post.

Art'Empori's blog for a contribution to art as citizenship is not delegated.


The social responsibility of the artist.

spoke of the cultural associations and voluntary

Art'Empori and Rainbow Network on "The summit emotional art as a language common to hear of the approval. The experiential first-person for a user who becomes a co-author of citizenship is not delegated . An ethical use of art for a world that is evolving more into the emotions that in daily great revolutions " by Alessio Masone.

Art'Empori on" The Rose flowers without a reason: poetry, (for) gift, the look of the emerging " by Nicola Sguera.

Community RNCD Clown Doctors on "The clown is poetry personified: whole man as the overcoming of dualism," by Enzo Maddaloni.

Town of Euphemia on "Poetry wins a thousand centuries of silence: to treat the eye to live in the world," by Carmela Longo.

Città di Eufemia su "La scultura sociale di Joseph Beuys per una condivisione emozionale dell'arte", tramite Mario Festa.


Centro per disabili "E' più bello insieme" su  La fragilità si protegge con la bellezza, non con la forza. Per una nuova strategia di inclusione sociale basata sulle emozioni etiche e non sulle leggi", tramite Angelo Moretti.  


Art'Empori su "Il linguaggio dell'arte come linguaggio dell'anima: suo valore terapeutico e trasformativo ", tramite Anna Tecce.


Ore 21.00 - piazza Santa Sofia poetico  - seconda parte.

Lettura di poesie, proposte dai beneventani, dal " - Nodo di libero intervento civico e poetico". Node free speech and civic poetry.

Two benches (terraces, podiums) which placed the district in Modesto and San Piazza Santa Sofia, according to the two readings of poetry by Art'Empori would remain a permanent use of a citizenry that "takes the word" as a permanent record of the festival.

artemporiana The section of the festival "Poetry in the form of a rose" is actually promoted by the following associations:

- Art'Empori. Art community biodiversity

- Rainbow Network. Associations for a solidarity economy;

- Community RNCD Clown Doctors;

- Centre for Disabled 'Most beautiful together;

- City of Eufemia. Node solidarity economy;

- LIPU Benevento

- Lerka Minerka. Hiking Association;

- La Cinta Onlus. Association for the Recovery of the man / animal

- GAS Rainbow. Group Purchasing Supportive

- Tandem21/Quinua. Critical Consumption and Trade Fair

- CAI Italian Alpine Club. Chamber of Benevento;

- NO incinerator at St. Saviour Telesino;

- A Guard environment.


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