Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vitiligo Treatment Melbourne

Sacred Atque Temibilis Fly Vampire



Università di riferimento
Tutte le Università di Torino

Data di fondazione ordine
December 6, 1994

type of order
Vassallo SOTCaP

Order History
Text taken from the site of www.pontefice.it goliardia Taurinense.

The darker history of the order of Italy ...

"Never born and never died who eventually want a mirror that had not ever done a vile sand created the Sacred atque Temibilis Fly Vampire. Everything became clear in the mind of one who could, and with all these obscure words all began:

Few are the elect who will be able to understand the dark magic.
and understands that the chosen few will be able to make it their own growing essa facendola crescere."

Tratto da "Oscuro Sigillo"

Il Vampiro secondo le cronache nasce nel 1945 e poi …
L'ultima riapertura risale al 1996 per mano di Baguette I Maleficus; da allora sono stati i suoi successori:
- Pilorum I
- Sector No Limits Latitus I
- Eola I Satanica
- Pernacchia Lucubrator In Deo Maleficus
- Iago Stigmate Olografica Latitus II
- Carrettus Professione Vacanze Lucubrator II
- Tenaglia Latitus III Tamburo Battente
- Tritacazzus Sardonicus I
- Piuululàchediquà II Maleficus. 

Ogni 6 dicembre alla mezzanotte avviene l'oscura ricorrenza della rinascita della Vola con l'abdicazione al nuovo Prince of Darkness. Fly

that attracts great leaders, was reborn out of the Horn and introduced himself to the Pope, and following a strong and numerous goliardic and memorable achievements in a short time was recognized.

The Horn at that time was already full of goliards of undoubted value, and this led quickly to a historic rivalry between the Vampires and the Fly Abbey, now in his sleep. Many were the jokes that as a nation to the battles leading to victory in war. But the funny
War is the result of ingenuity and imagination, so it is concluded between rice and amusement for all, and the god Bacchus did sing and dance during an epic orgy virgins for which many still remain the joy.

It is important to know now that in the Prince of Darkness vampires is loved and honored, and only he is the leader.
It happened, however, that some shady individuals do not understand this fundamental truth, and believing that they have more strength of the Prince played the wrong card. Druids were born from these fools. But remember, brothers, rarely equal the master's disciples and even more rarely exceeding it. In their deeds, if this interests you, you go as well to see if the student was able to overcome the master.

This is a small part of the history of the Holy atque Temibilis Fly Vampire, would be too long to tell here, but if something more want to learn, go to midnight where the moon is full blushing virgins and all echoes of joy.

Signs Order
Banner bearing the emblem of the Fly.

The pentacolore Colors (Purple, fuchsia, red, green, yellow).

Plate 1 - penta-colored circle of flies, with vampire bat-dive in the center. All around, the full name of the flies. Plaque given to students after the probationary period.
2 - A form of black coat, with golden waning crescent in the center. Plaque given to the nobles. This second plate does not replace the first: the nobles are required to bring both

Anthem (to the tune of "a soldier")

way for the vampire, in the battle,
ciadello Square tonight will be, and if there
win a touch of plum
will be the vampire who will win!

From colonnade across Italy, with our
Prince leading the platoon, a single cry
clear stands proud Dimon
Force Vampire!

With a glass of wine sincere
the undead back to make some noise, and if
Goliarda six
really takes to drink at least a quarter.

Our plate pentacolore
our flag will always be, we'll take
always on my heart until death us

Motto order
Prince: Sub sun sileo
people: in nocte NuGO

Head of the Order
Prince of Darkness

Other Events
December 6 , Fly's Birthday

Luca Barberis C.so Turati 43bis - 10128 Torino


For many news on the card I am indebted to his friend Mini Underwear of Darkness, Knight and Keeper of the SOTCaP SaTVdV of Temperance, to which must be my (and your) thanks.

Tuesday, December 16, 1969 + 39


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