Monday, December 1, 2008

Can A Human Get Worms From Swallowing A Flea

Sovranus Ordo Gaudentis Fava


This year arrived! The feriae matricularum turritanae the corner and preparations are in full swing. The Pontifex Maximus

Lupaccione III with his government are in fibrillation, the People, as a cohesive university boys only know how to be running everywhere in alms, preparations for the dinner, the zirrelli, the free yourselves with your itinerary.

Well, we're on the eve and the Principles, with sly do, expect great things from these young people who increasingly turns to the occasion.

The program includes:

- Sunday, December 7 : traditional descent Carruzzo (Viale Trento)

- Wednesday, December 10 : pre rid meeting at the registered office

- 11/12/13 December : rid scholarum

- Thursday, December 11 (evening): Zirrelli.

- Friday, December 12: Social Dinner

Monday 1st December 1969 + 39


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