Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nadine Jansen Lookalike

Banners and Flags


Si sa, la Feluca è la nostra Bandiera e noi ci riconosciamo in Essa. Però ci dividiamo in tante Famiglie che noi chiamiamo "Ordini".

Il post sugli Ordini, come potete vedere, è il più cliccato ed il più seguito - partecipato. Tutti sappiamo che gli Ordini si caratterizzano per le proprie insegne esterne che aiutano a riconoscerci ed a farci riconoscere.

The sign is surely the most classic plaque. It is delivered at the time of the smatricolazione Goliarda which holds as one of the most precious things (after the felucca).

But we all know that the flag identifying the membership and stated, in ancient times, the position of the commander on the battlefield.

Even our orders are (almost) always have a cloth identifier that follows the Head of Order in its official releases, such as opening of the academic leaders of the Order or dinner during the weekday. It is usually not a real flag as a banner, a cloth square that is attached to a rod through a small cross bar. This allows to be seen even in the absence of wind and closed. The banner will be given the insignia of the order.

I managed to find some photos of the banners that I propose.

Bologna - Bolognese Balla

Bologna - Conspiracy de 'Pazzi

Bologna - Crack Marchigiana

Bologna - Feudo Romagnolo

Bologna - Frati Gaudenti

Bologna - GNOCS

Bologna - Melangola

Bologna - Montecristo

Bologna - Nettuno

Florence - Lira

Florence - San Salvi

Foggia - Taccariellum

Genoa - Dogatum

Ivrea - SOAS

Milano - Cross Lombard

Milano - Holy Goliath

Padova - Santa Bernarda

Padova - Ordo Sciaquonis

Padova - Vespertilio

Pisa - ResPublica

Roma - PRA

Sassari - SOGF

Torino - Horn

Torino - Fleece

Torino - Vampires

Torino - Templars

Trieste - Ladies of the Night

Sunday, December 20, 1969 + 40

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Arrows Do I Use With My Recurve Bow

Non dimentichiamo...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Crusie Gay Rest Stops/new Jersey

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Buying Ex Military Boats

The left trans-idealist-realist and post

The story Marrazzo / trans / cocaine, similar to that Berlusconi / escort, demonstrates, once again, if proof were needed, that the left and right can be mirrored in the leadership but not in the hard core of their electoral bases.
few days ago during a refresher course, I made a joke on the deal on the former governor of the Lazio. He laughed, but con tristezza… Questo, dal punto di vista berlusconiano, potrebbe dimostrare che la scuola italiana, insieme alla magistratura, è in mano alla sinistra. A me a dimostrato solo che dirigenti insipienti, incarnazioni del nulla che vivono il loro quarto d’ora di celebrità, hanno inferto ferite profonde nel corpo di chi vorrebbe una “sinistra” capace di incidere sulla realtà per trasformarla. Non c’è niente da fare: o la sinistra è portatrice di ideali oppure non è . Tertium non datur . L’illusione “riformista”, se così posso dire, l’illusione di una sinistra “normale” è sbagliata alla radice. Mentre the right, the right plural present in our country can afford within their own archipelago coexistence of seemingly irreconcilable positions (devout Catholics and atheists, libertarians and statists, realists and idealists), the left or retrieves the grounds "high" of action political or dissolves. The experience of PD, for example, that might be interesting for our country, seen through the eyes of my province is a story of little interest to shop for families who vie for power and money. I see who are the leaders of the PD Benevento that are right and I think that Italy is governed by Berlusconi and Bossi, in which there is no contradiction between the dire e il fare. Mi si potrebbe obiettare che non è con un gesto volontaristico che si recuperano queste benedette istanze “ideali” (che volutamente ho lasciato nel vago). Allora teniamoci i Marrazzo e i Bassolino, teniamoci questi osceni dirigenti locali famelici e ignoranti, rassegniamoci ad essere governati per i prossimi secoli da una delle destre presenti nel nostro paese.   Ho una sola certezza: bisogna rompere con le doppie morali e con il machiavellismo , in qualunque sua declinazione, uno dei peggiori veleni inoculati da Gramsci nel corpo della sinistra italiana. Noi possiamo anche essere realisti, ma se prima non sogniamo di trasformare il mondo questo realismo diventerà gestione dell’esistente first, then corruption and connivance.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Night Digital Camera 2009

The dead

Day of the Dead.
For once I think of the dear faces, bass that does not need a special day.
A terrorist who hanged himself in his cell. You were right, I instinctively thought, and I kept thinking unpardonable folly for one of my generation still believe in the sacred truth of the lead.
A young man hopelessly in drugs killed who knows if the negligence or violence of his persecutors. "We risked a revolt because the black man has seen it all. A prisoner is not in massacres Section, massacres under ...». This in Teramo
... Children and adults, while dying for a 'flu mysterious contours. I think back to a beautiful film, The 12 Monkeys , and do not worry because I know if the apocalypse has always attracted me. I am only sorry for my daughter. I would like plucked a few other joy in life.
Finally, a great poet dies. He wrote so much, perhaps too much. But some things are wonderful. Remain. He has revived the myth of the proximity of art with madness. We are grateful.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Where To Buy Chapstick Containers

Solidarietà anche da Albenga...

Despite rivalry, with all that entails (before, during and after) ... during the derby Albenga this banner appeared and immortalized by the ever-present camera "Gigheland.
thanks for the solidarity of the boys Ultras Albenga.

Beyond the rivalry ... Ultras!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Polly Sweet Little Angel Eyes Lyrics

Info per Albenga

For those who would otherwise go away from the boys of the North Curve.
-For guys who are going to find is the Albenga train station at 14:25 Oneglia.
-For the guys who will drive the meeting is former Harlem Square area at 14:15.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Private Autions In Ohio

Tutti ad Albenga...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Is 6 O2 In Biology

Comunicazione S.U.I. 1982

WEDNESDAY 'October 7, 2009 AT 20.30 STAGE FOR THE GAME FAT NINO asdPROimperia1970-Sanremo 1904

Monday, September 28, 2009

Gold-plated Getto Blasters

Essere Ultras...Esserlo nella mente!!!

For years, this phrase runs through the stages of Italy, and I always tried to understand it fully, but has never been easy.
are not here today to write the solution, also because I believe that everyone has his own way to interpret everything, but rather to try to explain what it means to me.

Today almost 30 years, at a distance of plus or minus 20 since my father took me for the first time to see the Emperor I'm here to talk to her again. The warning
forbids me to be present on Sunday, do not live the rest of the week with the other guys in the group, and this gives you the strength to go forward, knowing that they are there to sing for you is something special. For
Imperia curve we know each other, we are not two thousand, we all know even the name of the person next to us, the 14 year old boy to the "old man" without a lot of hair, who was following behind a banner before I was born, and is not a way to say, even my employer know who are out of work, and sometimes I have to catch the jokes.
I do not believe that to be ultras should be in 1000 or 5000 numbers or fired at random, anche perchè altrimenti io non potrei considerarmi tale, visto che la media delle persone che ho avuto al mio fianco in questi anni si aggira sulla cinquantina!
Credo che l'ultras non lo faccia il numero, ma lo faccia il rispetto per certe regole non scritte, quello per il gruppo e per la persona al tuo fianco in curva e quelle conosciute in giro per l'Italia, il rispetto per le atre tifoserie, anche per quelle "nemiche".
Si...credo questo perchè non credo ci siano ultras di serie A e di serie B, credo che chi vive in una certa maniera, pensando cosa fare la domenica, organizzare un pulmann, una coreografia o semplicemente cercare di tirare fuori dallo stipendio i soldi per fare le sciarpette sia ultras, i colori della come after her scarf.
this because I think in 5, 10 or 100 people who were there before me in turn taught me that one should not give up, taught me that I should bring that banner wherever she played the Empire with pride ... and today , I still two years to return to the stage, I know when I can I'll be there ... once again proud to belong to this group, once again proud of the friends on my side! This for me is


Thursday, September 24, 2009

What Happens To The Unused Sperm?

Solidarietà dai "Cugini"...

As mentioned in previous posts, also came from San Remo was a message of solidarity,
here is the photo of the banner displayed on Sunday.

Return to thank all the fans that have shown solidarity towards us and the world ultras ...

free citizens? ULTRAS ... NO!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mouth Right Side White


After the "warnings" that stood out the most supporters have moved in our solidarity, who did it by mail, by those who post on blogs, or directly to your phone.
Boys Savona, Sanremo Tortona and instead have displayed banners against us, alongside photos of the banners on display in Savona.
The first reads "Honour to the reported ON" while the second, that of Tortonesi "Faith is not complaint ... Samurai never give up." What
instead exposed to Sanremo read "11 alerts Guarantee: In this world of bandits only ultras are affected."
What can I say ... thanks to all those who have demonstrated what it means to be ultras!

A special hug to the boys of Tortona and Savona ...


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Clear Cm Right Before Period

Comunicato Ufficiale del 17/09/2009

Samurai Ultras Imperia
Official Statement of 17/09/2009

In relation to notices of which have reached our
eleven members of the group at the end of the meeting held today SUI is
been outlined the following position: The facts
contestateci dating ad oltre sedici mesi orsono, appaiono pretestuosi nella
sostanza e, come sempre, ad orologeria nella recente e non storia del nostro gruppo
(inizio campionato, partite clou, ecc..).
Il clima di tensione respirato ultimamente in città e denominato “guerra del latte”,
l’incontro con le Istituzioni, le notizie giunte prima agli organi di informazione che ai
diretti interessati, ci appaiono come l’ennesimo tentativo di strumentalizzarci e di
Non potendo parlare di fatto di feriti, danni e atti violenti, questa volta ci si accusa di
adunata sediziosa e generici cori di scherno e di protesta, ma non contro una tifoseria
avversaria, ma verso una colpevole leadership whose misdeeds are well known throughout the city.
What do we want to achieve? Our dissolution? Our head down?
Sorry, you will be disappointed.
Again, as in the past, we will remain united in defending our members of our ideals and then