Saturday, February 14, 2009

Motyher Of Pearl Flatwear

passed the thrill, too, like for Christmas, mostly linked to consumption needs of Valentine's Day (though always moved to see a teenager that brings the flowers in front of the school to its beautiful), I reflected on the tragedy made love.
The media are celebrating the anniversary of a book, Eroticism , an intellectual very questionable, especially today, Francesco Alberoni : embarrassing his short articles on the front of the Corriere della Sera, its embarrassing career. But the opening pages of the book tell a profound truth: the radical difference between male and female, divided but not in the sense of complementarity misunderstanding. Let me be clear: it is not a destiny. But if men and women are not complementary, the love affair is - repeats often Galimberti - a work of art that must be built every day. We must therefore get rid of the powerful Platonic myth that we are looking for a mid-completion, a myth that continues to work in the depths, if we still use expressions like "my other half." It therefore seems more necessary than ever a true erotic education, starting from the radical differences in body (and therefore the mechanisms of reward and pleasure) is being extended to a psychological and spiritual education. The man and woman are strangers, unknown to each other : each project its own expectations, desires, often refusing to see the other, each one "mind" (in good faith and for good) for displaying the party which considers itself more "noble" to the gaze of others. And so began a long history of lying empty of meaning that most of the reports.
That seems more necessary than ever a true educational reform that puts the sentimental education at the top. If human history is full of suffering it is because one of the fundamental events of life, a complete report with the other, is made badly or not done at all.
writing I realized a glaring absence in my speech, homosexual love. Strictly speaking, indeed, it, although what I write, it would be the only love that could aspire to perfection (it says, for example, the Phaedrus in Plato's Symposium , speaking of Hector and Achilles). But they are not able to address this issue with full knowledge, even if only theoretical, bookish. And then open up other fronts: if that homosexual love was perfect, but deficient children, the nature and extent to which it may be corrected by the technique, making it possible to become fathers and mothers? And then, with a big headache, to renounce this seconda parte della riflessione, aspettando illuminazioni.


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