Sunday, February 1, 2009

Recover From Pleurisy

still resists

the Journal of the Foundation Farefuturo FFWEBMAGAZINE SS Eugenius Renatus XIV Pautasii , LI Goliardorum Pontifex Maximus, aka Luca Pautasso, wrote a nice ' article, with the permission of the author, carried.

The mockery of feluccas between the universities of Italy

And goliardia still resists
Luca Pautasso

No, the student spirit is not dead. Do not mistake the young university boys still sing these verses during irreverent meetings, parties and convivial meetings which are still celebrated in many Italian squares in a blaze of blankets, plates, feathers, pendants. Often they are so few that you can hardly see, in the confused welter of universities that have tens of thousands of members, but many students with less capital. Under the felucca that fit-in-chief, however, the old cap that distinguishes Italian university students, still pulsing strongly principles, ideals and values \u200b\u200bof brotherhood, love of life and years of carefree youth that are one thousand years old but not show them.

from Turin to Bologna, Genoa, Ferrara, Padua, Pisa, Parma, Milan and Rome, and Perugia, Camerino, Palermo, Firenze e Verona. I goliardi ci sono, esistono e resistono. Ridono del mondo perché sanno innanzitutto ridere di se stessi. Utilizzano rituali e linguaggi desueti per trasmettersi nozioni e valori mai invecchiati per davvero. Spesso questo li espone agli attacchi e alle accuse di chi, ignorando il loro essere e non sforzandosi di capire, cerca di additarli per qualcosa che non sono: ora fascisti, ora massoni, ora esoteristi, o nel migliore dei casi, sciocchi, fatui, o ancora sfaticati perdigiorno, perdenti. Vestono paramenti bizzarri che paiono anacronistici agli occhi di chi non sa vedere che quella non è moda, bensì il retaggio della storia. Hanno gerarchie e leggi rigidissime, che non possono in alcun modo essere infrante, but they include exhort one another to get around with wit and dexterity. The good saint, for example, those students who are forced by the "elders" to pay to the sound of bottles of wine or liquor as the penalty of their inferiority, they bring to their tax collectors empty wolverine, maybe with great chutzpah praising the qualities of the nectar once contained within them, and now thoroughly drained. The university boys are perhaps the only people left who still remember the college students it means to be part of something really big, and not simply the need to fill a book more or less worthy of votes obtained with the same attitude with which a few years before , would face a test of maturity is particularly complex, only to receive in return a large piece of parchment to be nailed to a wall in plain sight. The university boys do not go to university, they are the university. That of the beginning, that of the medieval community of students and learners in which there was still a dichotomy between those who sit behind a desk and behind a counter, in which knowledge was not a bargaining chip or a service, but a joint research and a common crescita.Interrogate Goliarda an old, someone who has had twenty years during the 60s of last century, or earlier, and I hear tell that in his time at university, the student spirit or made or suffered . Not There was no escape. In the sense that those who became part of the sarabande goliardic ended inevitably become the intended victim of his jokes and his dirty tricks. Today, however, the era in which cities are able to offer countless opportunities for divertissement for those who are looking for an opportunity to raise his eyes from the "sweaty carte, you choose the the student spirit. And it becomes goliards as a gesture of awareness, desire to stand out, to challenge themselves, even as a vocation. Why do you share the spirit, of course, but, above all, because you learn to love her the same unconditional love we have for twenty years to life. How and why this happen, however, can not explain even the same jokes. At the bottom is a bit 'like trying to explain to someone why love the sea than the mountains. That's right, and there is nothing to explain. Period.

goliardia Today is one of the few things still able to remember the university as it was a time when he was born, when he was really studiorum universitas, universitas sapientiae, the crucible that forged the minds of the nobles of his time and elevated his students to something otherwise unreachable, before the modern drag it comes increasingly to resemble the monster to a strange halfway between laureificio mass leviathan bureaucrat.

And always, today as yesterday, the student spirit is and has been a strong voice against the dull conformity and standardization, which flattens and levels. He was a nonconformist yesterday, Goliarda when, with his grimaces mocked the powerful, while all the others bowed their heads in silence. And it's still a maverick, why is proud of its values, while all the others no longer have even an ounce and still remembers what it means being able to laugh at the powers that be in an era when all too often even the satire degenerates into vulgar contempt or, worse yet, in today's calunnia.Il Goliarda has also regained its romantic and charming picaresque dimension, that of the penniless student who must be able to procure only with the help of his intellect as much as the leisure studies. Forty-plus years ago, in fact, a student attending the lecture halls meant most of the time come for wealth and birth from the hegemonic class, and therefore dell'appannaggio rely almost exclusively reserved for those substances whose families could bear without great difficulty the onerous effort to maintain economic studies their heirs. Today, however, universities mass brought into vogue the figure of the working student, halfway between the heroic and quixotic, always in the bill, always in distress for the rent to pay, the rate to be honored and very expensive to buy books, yet also capable of providing just and deserved ration of entertainment, preferably to be consumed until the hours before dawn with friends or just playful, why not some nice girl.

Just like in medieval times, the joyful and the man who, in a society governed by the law of the jungle, and even mockery shuns violence as a last resort only of dull, and even looking preferring verbal confrontation, the duel of culture, the 'acute argument, if only to prove the other party entertained over a glass of wine that the clouds are made of cream, that the high sia basso e il nero sia bianco, o, con l’impudenza e la sfacciataggine che da sempre lo contraddistinguono, che la regina d’Inghilterra sotto le vesti calzi una guepierre.

Il goliarda è colui il quale, incompreso dallo sguardo miope del popolino, che troppo spesso ignora ciò che egli rappresenta per davvero, si fa beffe dello scherno altrui e anzi schernisce a sua volta, abbindolando il “filisteo” di turno tra scherzi, lazzi e giochi di parole per scucirgli un obolo e una risata, che faranno entrambi da piacevole condimento della serata. La chiamano “questua”, i goliardi, mutuando il nome proprio dall’atto dell’elemosinare. Ma il goliarda non chiede mai la carità, anzi: questuando, è un po’ come se rivendicasse scherzosamente il suo diritto di studente universitario, e quindi di ottimate, di riscuotere la giusta gabella da chi gli sta sotto per senno, acume e conoscenza.Eppure, come del resto ogni cosa che vanti un’identità forte e poco propensa all’annichilimento, il goliarda e la goliardia subiscono il riflusso degli attacchi che il relativismo del sapere, dei valori e della conoscenza perpetrano ai danni della società che li circonda. Ieri la goliardia ha avuto per nemico il ’68, che nel suo sforzo di far dilagare nuovi e rivoluzionari valori voleva a tutti costi fare piazza pulita di quelli “vecchi”. Oggi la goliardia ha per nemico una società che tende sempre more to resemble a flock of values \u200b\u200bthat has not and will not look, in fact, selling off the few that still remain and attack anyone who defends someone.

is primarily why we find more than one hundred university boys all together in the same place to party is increasingly becoming a business. There are Cassandras who see anything terrible portents of doom, dark anticipation of an end inevitable. Others, like the writer, are convinced that this represents only a difficult and painful transition to a new golden age. So much for the student spirit and for the rest of the world. Because, until there will be a story and values \u200b\u200bto be passed down, a foul-mouthed song, a salacious joke, and a glass of wine in front of a student awake enough to understand that this is not to worry if that is half full or half empty, but instead is always very full twenty years of its youth, then we will be jokes.

Gaudeamus igitur.


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Thanks Luke!

Sunday, February 1, 1969 + 40


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