Friday, December 3, 2010

Blade Trench Coat For Sale

employment employment or the world saved by children

Giovedì 2

Alle 10 sono al Rummo . Assisto all’incontro dei ragazzi con tre colleghe. Dissento su alcune questioni, ma trovo straordinari quei docenti che accettano di mettersi in discussione without the network of "power" given to us by votes, records, programs. Everything that would normally teach as an abstract theory asks to be embodied. If not now, when? Commenting on my open letter to Mrs. Anna Romano writes in the "Book", "The discomfort that my daughter is the obvious lack of ideas from his teammates to make sense of these days, but to me it's lacking a key component of the school, namely the teachers! Where am I? Why are not with them and help them understand how she did, turning to the various institutions? The confidence of its pupils are being earned by their side forever, especially in these times. " Aiutare a capire… Questo dovrebbe essere scritto nel nostro ideale “giuramento di Socrate”, cui ogni docente dovrebbe essere chiamato all’inizio della sua carriera.
Iniziamo a vedere (con la LIM, la lavagna luminosa multimediale, destinata a cambiare le modalità dell’insegnamento nei prossimi anni) C apitalism. A love story . Spiego rapidamente ai ragazzi chi è Michael Moore , i suoi documentari sull’uso dell’armi in America, sull’11 settembre, sul sistema sanitario, il suo radicalismo democratico. Seguono in raccolto silenzio. Non parliamo della rivoluzione (o forse sì), ma cerchiamo di “capire” (insieme) il nostro tempo. Lo spiego to two representatives of parents who have come, cleverly, to see with their own eyes. At 16.30
are Giannone, the school where I taught in recent years. Most of the occupants are engaged in inter-agency meeting to Guacci. I read to my kids present open letter, I express my position. I listen to them. The greatest discomfort was born in the attitude of their professors. There was no dialogue, indeed, moments of high tension day of employment. The attitude of dialogue and open the manager has avoided degeneration. I encourage them to ask for an official meeting with the faculty member to explain the reasons for the move. I am convinced that only the synergistic action of all members of the school will begin a process of self-reform. I leave them with a reflection of Edgar Morin (whose head well done invited the boys to "take hold of their education), on the need for reform of knowledge that goes hand in hand with reform of ' statement: "We need to rearm intellectually, instructing us to think about the complexity and groped in the era of thinking about global problems of mankind." I go to
Guacci, where I find an even different. Here the group "aware" is fairly small. Component dominates the play. We put ourselves in a small classroom. We reach the links, thinking with which it all started. I find this attitude admirable. Not satisfied with what the kids do, but there is present, it is questioned. I ask the boys and girls to talk, to tell their experiences. Emerging enthusiasm for the 'company' disappointment at the response of the body of the Institute. From our work shows some viable proposals for the future: the building of an editorial and a school newspaper, the proposed times of co-management with the active participation of teachers, thanks to the great availability of the manager, launching an afternoon movie sessions and regular meetings on current depth and invitation to read. Small groups are aware that changing the reality ...

Friday 3

At 10 are Rummo . We complete the vision of Moore's documentary about the disasters of American turbo-capitalism, the crisis of 2006. I have prepared a brief discussion on " decrease . The boys do not know anything. I speak of their Ivan Illich and Serge Latouche. Rather than discuss the theoretical framework of the movement, I try to make proposals for action: to buy a filter jug \u200b\u200band start drinking water home, preparing food (like yogurt) at home, suggest to replace the scooter with an electric bike ... But above all that complex to begin the work of "decolonization of the imaginary" without which the world of "goods" will continue with its glitter to dominate inside. And, philosophically, to begin to crack the myth of "progress", by Bacon that haunts Western culture. I will list the sites where they go into that. I close my urging them to recount the experience that they are living, and speak to them about this diary. "Find your own words to explain, out of here, what is happening." The discussion continues with some of the boys, disturbed by these proposals. I realize, talking with them, how difficult it is to scratch the "culture" of consumption of goods, progress, speed and especially the media have inculcated in them, the single thought. The role of education in the "resistance" of teachers is crucial.
The boys are moving en masse to participate in the parade with other schools.
I think of what to do in the afternoon with them. I'd like to reflect on the transformative power of great poetry, Dylan Thomas read and René Char (dear Dr. Del Vecchio, the boys are hungry for poetry, I think, and perhaps even revolution, maybe they need adults in dialogo piuttosto che di laudatores temporis acti e dei loro sprezzanti giudizi). Mi arriva un messaggio: salta tutto per il pomeriggio.
Non so cosa accade e accadrà domani. Non so quando i ragazzi termineranno l’occupazione. Per rispetto nei loro confronti non partecipo mai alle assemblee. Li condizionerei. Aspetto trepidante lo sviluppo degli eventi.


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