Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Do Princess Pinatas

II Diary of employment or the world saved by children

Martedì 30

È il mio giorno libero ( dies sacer per i docenti delle Superiori). Su Facebook verso ora di pranzo vengo a sapere che i ragazzi hanno occupato: Scientifico, Classico, Guacci, Alberti, Alberghiero, Artistico… È un fulmine a ciel sereno. Mai come quest’anno la parola “occupazione” era stata assente dalle discussioni tra e con i ragazzi. Che fare? Ne discuto in rete con una collega cara e appassionata. Scrivo nel tardo pomeriggio una Lettera aperta rivolta soprattutto ai colleghi: rimaniamo accanto ai ragazzi in questo momento nevralgico della storia del nostro paese. L’epigrafe è di De André: «E se vi siete detti / non sta succedendo niente…» È la Canzone del maggio , che chiude: «provate pure a credervi assolti / siete lo stesso coinvolti».
Verso le 20 vado al Rummo. Compro qualcosa da portare: merendine, cioccolata, un pandoro, qualche bottiglia di tè. Assisto ad un duro scontro verbale davanti alle doors. The occupants did not want outside inside. Inside is a serene: the lively discussions, but everything is quiet. Embrace the megaphone that I lent to the boys. Will I see the end of everything? :) I begin to understand that these guys are new compared to previous years. Seeking knowledge and acting are absolutely no "ideology" of pre-established positions. I agree to come the next day to do something.

Wednesday 1

At 9.30 are Rummo. I brought along an amplifier with two speakers, the jack for connecting everything to the laptop, an autonomous body with the microphone. I prepared three, four things used in recent years to the day ... enza to the LIC Giannone: spirituality in the music of Battiato, an introduction to the work of Bob Dylan, the relationship between classical and rock music. Opto eventually for De Andrè . Faber would have been next to these guys. I'm sure. Start by listening to Charles Martel . Short circuit, but this king, who suffers from sexual addiction, it reminds us of a sultan of our time? 'Is it possible for a dog or pig / adventures in the realm Codest / debban resolved all with large whores? ". The day before Sky had broadcast an interview with Nadia Macri De Andrè ... I'm talking about, "traitor" class in the second half of the sixties, the influence of Brel, the concept album, its radical Christianity. Arrival in the nineties. I ask, finally, a religious gathering to listen Sunday of remains, the largest Italian songs of all time in my opinion. It is an intense moment, the prophetic description of the fifteen years of that regime is about to close, thanks to the guys in front of me, "The Sunday of the bodies / officers to nostalgia / accompaniment of flutes / the corpse of Utopia / The Sunday corpse / was a Sunday like many / the next day there were signs / peace of terrifying. " The lobby is a buzz of voices, faces you seek ... The guys are excited: I understand. In the end I invite them to cultivate Faber, cantor of the excluded, the last, against all moral self-righteous. I want a reflection on the issue of the South in the afternoon. Studio.
back to them at 16.30. Luckily some of my colleagues have chosen to say: I admire them. They do not share completely the choice of occupation, yet there are, are with their children, continue to be who they are educators. It is a relief for me. The boys want to talk about Saviano and the Camorra, the word and its power, they want to do guitar lessons, pinch, sculpture ...
The classroom is full and careful. I ask them a few thoughts preliminary. Some are reading Terroni of Pino April. They talk about it. I tell them that in all these years, I have always tried to give an image problem of the Italian Risorgimento, which did see the limits now entered the common consciousness, exploded with the robbery, but also the limits of democratic thought "defeated," the limits of Mazzini and the absence of serious reflection on the specific conditions of the jump in the twentieth century South. Using Three ways of seeing the South of Franco Cassano . Shows the two dominant paradigms of thought southern (and that of the colonial "delay"), and their limits. Finally, I dwell on "thought meridian, creative ways to resume long-standing issue and come out of the shallows. The kids involved, ask questions, the speech touches key issues: the economy, capitalism, Marx ... I propose, for the next day to see Capitalism. A love story of Moore. Proposal accepted.
I head to Giannone. Embrace guys who still feel my pupils. I talk to a dear colleague, who tells me the sense of responsibility. The Institute is in perfect order. You play soccer in the rain and chat. They ask me to come the next day in the afternoon. I also called the Guacci. In the evening, network, dialogue. One of my former student, very committed to the right, critics savaged the movement: do not even know what to protest, he says. I say: the awareness is created, it is a path. These guys are asking to be an active part of their growth process and demand that the state invest more resources in training. Place photos of occupations. I'm glad to be next to them, to teach and learn.


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