Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Winx Club Glam Magic Doll
Dear Friends,
2008 is also gone, leaving memories good and bad in everyone.
I wish you all a peaceful 2009, but hope in particolare prosperità e felicità a tutti gli Ordini Goliardici italiani nella speranza che ci si possa incontrare innanzi ad un bel bicchiere di vino.
Ego benedico vobis in nomine Bacci Tabacci Venerisque.
Tazzo Primus
Princeps Turritanae Goliardiae
Mercoledì 31 dicembre 1969 + 39, ore 20,00
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mba Titanium Foot Implants
Di questo Ordine di Salerno conosco soltanto il nome completo. Sono, tuttavia riuscito a ritrovare l'immagine della tessera che veniva rilasciata ai fratelli al momento del loro ingresso in Goliardia.
Sunday, December 21, 1969 + 39
Update January 4, 1969 + 39: I thank my friend and Zedda Piras for reporting with which tells me that SULTANATUS SALERNITANUS Sacrae Palmae was not sovereign in Salerno, the order was the sovereign Principatus Salernitanus Skulls.
Stanford Lacrosse Blog
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Retro Hutch Trick Star Bmx
In the night between 9 and 10 December 1969 a team of 39 + goliards of SOVRANUS ORDO GAUDENTIS FAVA took a blitz in that of Sassari "infelucando" some important historical monuments of Sassari.
This event, done with great contempt of danger and putting at risk not only physical injury but also personal freedom, there is a corollary of the important weeks of the weekday Matricolarum and celebrations for the 25th anniversary of ' Order.
In the photos below to prove the important event.
Sabato 21 dicembre 1969 + 39
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Shower Enclosure Home Depot
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Vitiligo Treatment Melbourne
Università di riferimento
Tutte le Università di Torino
Data di fondazione ordine
December 6, 1994
type of order
Vassallo SOTCaP
Order History
Text taken from the site of goliardia Taurinense.
The darker history of the order of Italy ...
"Never born and never died who eventually want a mirror that had not ever done a vile sand created the Sacred atque Temibilis Fly Vampire. Everything became clear in the mind of one who could, and with all these obscure words all began:
Few are the elect who will be able to understand the dark magic.
and understands that the chosen few will be able to make it their own growing essa facendola crescere."
Tratto da "Oscuro Sigillo"
Il Vampiro secondo le cronache nasce nel 1945 e poi …
L'ultima riapertura risale al 1996 per mano di Baguette I Maleficus; da allora sono stati i suoi successori:
- Pilorum I
- Sector No Limits Latitus I
- Eola I Satanica
- Pernacchia Lucubrator In Deo Maleficus
- Iago Stigmate Olografica Latitus II
- Carrettus Professione Vacanze Lucubrator II
- Tenaglia Latitus III Tamburo Battente
- Tritacazzus Sardonicus I
- Piuululàchediquà II Maleficus.
Ogni 6 dicembre alla mezzanotte avviene l'oscura ricorrenza della rinascita della Vola con l'abdicazione al nuovo Prince of Darkness. Fly
that attracts great leaders, was reborn out of the Horn and introduced himself to the Pope, and following a strong and numerous goliardic and memorable achievements in a short time was recognized.
The Horn at that time was already full of goliards of undoubted value, and this led quickly to a historic rivalry between the Vampires and the Fly Abbey, now in his sleep. Many were the jokes that as a nation to the battles leading to victory in war. But the funny
War is the result of ingenuity and imagination, so it is concluded between rice and amusement for all, and the god Bacchus did sing and dance during an epic orgy virgins for which many still remain the joy.
It is important to know now that in the Prince of Darkness vampires is loved and honored, and only he is the leader.
It happened, however, that some shady individuals do not understand this fundamental truth, and believing that they have more strength of the Prince played the wrong card. Druids were born from these fools. But remember, brothers, rarely equal the master's disciples and even more rarely exceeding it. In their deeds, if this interests you, you go as well to see if the student was able to overcome the master.
This is a small part of the history of the Holy atque Temibilis Fly Vampire, would be too long to tell here, but if something more want to learn, go to midnight where the moon is full blushing virgins and all echoes of joy.
Signs Order
Banner bearing the emblem of the Fly.
The pentacolore Colors (Purple, fuchsia, red, green, yellow).
Plate 1 - penta-colored circle of flies, with vampire bat-dive in the center. All around, the full name of the flies. Plaque given to students after the probationary period.
2 - A form of black coat, with golden waning crescent in the center. Plaque given to the nobles. This second plate does not replace the first: the nobles are required to bring both
Anthem (to the tune of "a soldier")
way for the vampire, in the battle,
ciadello Square tonight will be, and if there
win a touch of plum
will be the vampire who will win!
From colonnade across Italy, with our
Prince leading the platoon, a single cry
clear stands proud Dimon
Force Vampire!
With a glass of wine sincere
the undead back to make some noise, and if
Goliarda six
really takes to drink at least a quarter.
Our plate pentacolore
our flag will always be, we'll take
always on my heart until death us
Motto order
Prince: Sub sun sileo
people: in nocte NuGO
Head of the Order
Prince of Darkness
Other Events
December 6 , Fly's Birthday
Luca Barberis Turati 43bis - 10128 Torino
For many news on the card I am indebted to his friend Mini Underwear of Darkness, Knight and Keeper of the SOTCaP SaTVdV of Temperance, to which must be my (and your) thanks.
Tuesday, December 16, 1969 + 39
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ate The Whole Bag Of Rice Snacks
Zirrelly 1969 + 39 - SOGF
again this year was held at the Feria Zirrelly organized by Matricularum Sovranus Ordo Gaudentis Fava .
It 's the eighteenth edition, which coincides with the founding of the Order of 25ennale. The good Pope
Lupaccione III has minted a commemorative medal of the event.
Sunday, December 14, 1969 + 39
Monday, December 8, 2008
Visa Invitation Letter Tokosovo
Descent of Carruzzo
This year has been consumed the ritual of the Descent of Carruzzo. A crowd of bearing-equipped vehicles invaded the central avenue of Trento for the day Sunday, December 7 were widely acclaimed by public and critics.
Wide testiumonianza event is given in Article of the local newspaper La Nuova Sardegna happy that we report.
Monday, December 8, 1969 + 39
Monday, December 1, 2008
Can A Human Get Worms From Swallowing A Flea
This year arrived! The feriae matricularum turritanae the corner and preparations are in full swing. The Pontifex Maximus
Lupaccione III with his government are in fibrillation, the People, as a cohesive university boys only know how to be running everywhere in alms, preparations for the dinner, the zirrelli, the free yourselves with your itinerary.
Well, we're on the eve and the Principles, with sly do, expect great things from these young people who increasingly turns to the occasion.
The program includes:
- Sunday, December 7 : traditional descent Carruzzo (Viale Trento)
- Wednesday, December 10 : pre rid meeting at the registered office
- 11/12/13 December : rid scholarum
- Thursday, December 11 (evening): Zirrelli.
- Friday, December 12: Social Dinner
Monday 1st December 1969 + 39
Sunday, November 23, 2008
How To Buy The Rookridge Inn
Il mio amico don Giancarlo, in occasione del ritrovamento dei due angeli sottratti anni fa alla sua chiesa, mi ha chiesto una riflessione sull'angelo nella poesia. Ne è scaturita, come sempre mi accade, un ibrido, in cui ho manifestato il mio disagio rispetto ad una chiesa sempre più sorda al dialogo (in diverse direzioni), la mia concezione della poesia (appresa da Marco Guzzi) come linguaggio privilegiato dello spirito, nel secolo in cui il logos intorno a Dio si è come sclerotizzato, la necessità di meditare l'invisibile , nel tempo idolatrico che ci troviamo a vivere, dove trionfa l'immagine, dove solo il visibile è, l'urgenza di ridare centralità all'ascolto rather than to the view (as the angel announced the opening of our "Mary I" listen to the word). I have read, then, the ninth elegy, Rilke, which affirms the superiority of man, through the word guardian of the ephemeral, which makes the metamorphosis of the unseen visible. I read a fragment of the Koran , beautiful, in which God says the superiority of man who knows all the names of God and of things about angels. I mentioned Wings , the taste of blood, the heat of the first coffee, the angel who wanted to become a man all the way to experience the love and its fragility, its precarious balance to the world, without wings . I'm done with the striking statement, call to be faithful to the earth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer , according to which only those who live with both feet on the ground with both live in the kingdom of heaven.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Innotec Handy Steam Cleaner
Update: Production resumed at 100%
From November 10 to 20 a few days we will stop production.
We are expanding our premises to offer a wider range of products and greater convenience.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are sure that it is worth it.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Do I Have To Pay For Netgear
Per il ciclo Pane che passione! , 10 puntate di Alice tv dedicate al pane, una è dedicata a quello senza glutine e siamo noi di Le Ben a mostrare come si fa.
Chi è interessato (e può accedere a Sky) può seguirci nella puntata di lunedì 20 ottobre alle 21:00 (sul canale 416 di Sky).
Buona visione.
UPDATE : replica lunedì 10 novembre (ora di pranzo) e martedì 11 novembre (serata)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Limehouse Sauna Gay Disease
Monday, June 30, 2008
Missil 10 X 25 Binoculars
will open in July at 10.00.
close-to-be usually at 18.30.
call us if you want to spend a Saturday before (we could be around for deliveries).
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Where To Buy Rubber Bands For Braces
The excellent psicocafe speaks of a people without numbers this post and fasten with two others ( here and here ) dealing with how the language changes the perception.
In Tarahumara, un linguaggio indigeno del Messico, vengono indicati con un unico termine quelli che per noi sono il "blu" e il "verde". Già nel 1984
In breve, e tagliando con la motosega, se possiedo parole per differenziare due cose allora riesco a distinguerle.
I risultati degli esperimenti citati da psicocafe sottolineano l'enorme importanza del linguaggio nell'analisi sensoriale: sotto stimolo i sensi offrono una percezione, senza le parole per descriverla l'esperienza è più attenuata, non ci può essere analisi e persino il ricordo diventa più labile.
Viceversa, chi ha le parole per dirlo si gode di più la cena.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Why Are My Ears Ringing For Days (tv)
Sigrid -commentando il post poses a question previously composed and complex, for ease of response, I divide into several parts.
gluten-free flour can simply replace the regular flour?
Meanwhile, a premise: the gluten-free flours are a mixture of many ingredients (some have more than 20), theoretically the potential formulas of GF flours are infinite, in practice are many and very different from each other.
So the answer is "it depends" ... gluten free flour from which you want to use and for what thing if you need to thicken a sauce, make cream puffs or prepare fettuccine-and you have the gluten free flour adaptation is likely that we can make (almost) similar, but if you want to prepare (for example) a donut, or bread, the substitution is not trivial (and if you do not have the flour can be adapted completely impossible).
Are there any precautions to be taken?
Gluten is a wonderful ingredient for those who can use it.
works both raw and after cooking: raw dough viscoelasticity gives, for easy handling and shaping and holds the gas produced by yeasts and after cooking can have (simultaneously) a crispy crust crumb and a soft, lightweight, elastic and helps maintain the moisture of the product. Gluten
you get an elastic but not sticky dough is manipulated in a completely different way (the "folding" it is unthinkable with a mixture GF), rising time can not be that long (the collapse of the dough is in rapidly), the size of individual pieces should be reduced, the addition of ingredients mixed (semi or otherwise) should be calibrated and tested ... in short, is another world.
interacts with other ingredients into the flour the same way 'normal'? "
No, not at all.
In most cases, the gluten-free flours are more sensitive than glutinous and I would say always, more hygroscopic and "fragile".
To explain in a more immediate and fast everything expressed before, I usually do this example ...
The metaphor of the bucket
Think of a bucket, can be made in different materials: plastic, metal, wood. All
have approximately the same shape (a truncated cone with a handle) and do the same job (contain a certain amount of liquid) but are of different materials that require completely different technology for their construction .. . to plastic will probably be made for casting in a mold / counter or by thermoforming, the metal may have the pieces welded together, while the wooden planks will be glued or nailed ...
You can not think of making a plastic bucket with the technology with which he builds a wooden (or, of course, vice versa), then depending on the subject will choose the first production process.
Our goal is to create an object that preserves the functional Features of another whose "material" we are not allowed to use.
Well, this is our situation, we have to do with raw materials-different-things that are normally made with flour glutinous, trying to reach a result "functional" so similar, in most cases, we must use a different technology.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Convert A Cable Wire To Sub Cable
's start with what we did recently ...
We did not do the mini-cooking course in March, we jumped.
And we will not do even that of April.
The reasons are two: 1
. Opening the "institutionalized" on Saturday would overlap with the course, causing problems for customers and peers;
2. the increase in workload and makes the raw materials stored, at the moment, the lab a bit 'tight.
But we are working to recover courses that lost-probably-will be required (May, June?) in other more convenient and appropriate location; give details as soon as it is a bit 'more "crystallized".
Now go to the novelty of the title.
From April 25th to May 4th we will be at puppies & campaign, Cesano (very close to Bracciano) is held for nine years, this market shows a very "country", animals, organic products, local art and - This year there is also a stand-where to eat gluten free.
It 's a great place to take a trip out of town.
Even if you eat gluten free.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Genital Herpes On Chest
Monday, January 21, 2008
Is A Sprain Supposed To Constantly Hurt
Oggi ho ricevuto un commento sul blog, a cui mi interessa rispondere in modo articolato e puntuale, per questo lo ripropongo quotato qui di seguito.
Sono venuta un paio di volte ad acquistare prodotti senza glutine; devo dire che la qualità ed il sapore sono ottimi, in particolar modo dei dolci tipo bignè, profitterol ecc...
ma i prezzi sono davvero esagerati.
Il claim di Le Ben è Piacere sì, glutine no.
Non è uno slogan, è una dichiarazione d'intenti, sono queste le due rotaie del nostro binario: no al glutine cioè nessuna contaminazione e sì al piacere all' esperienza organolettica .
Sull'assenza di contaminazione siamo intransigenti, non troviamo sufficientemente sicure le 20 ppm che ammette la legge: vogliamo che le analisi delle nostre materie prime e dei nostri prodotti abbiano meno glutine di quanto le analisi riescano a rilevare (3 ppm in Italia, 1 ppm in Argentina).
E se queste materie prime, questi controlli e questo processo, incidono per X euro sul costo di un certo prodotto noi abbiamo due sole possibilità: ci assumiamo interamente il costo oppure non facciamo il prodotto.
Non siamo disposti a degradare in alcun modo la sicurezza alimentare per un qualunque beneficio economico: o sicuri o niente, se farlo sicuro è troppo costoso allora non si può fare.
Sull'esperienza organolettica il discorso è -necessariamente- un po' più sfumato.
We try to make products that are good to eat and beautiful to see and submit.
We believe this is made with quality ingredients, hand-processed and verified by a sensory test.
In this case the evaluation is subjective and we are more transigenti we are willing to do something different, or a little 'less beautiful or good, than we would like so that its cost is acceptable.
But not often.
In any case, if you do it tolerably good and beautiful is too expensive then you can not do.
So we have a price limit, evidently high, beyond which they produce, but below which we can indulge ourselves with the finest raw materials, work fresh and genuine products in line with our claim.
We can not, nor want, to compete on price: we do on quality.
All of that said, there would be the premise for our prices were really exaggerated, but it is so ?
gluten-free prices are available on the net, and the comparison (1) , our results:
- In line or lower than other craft exclusively GF;
- generally in line or lower (with rare exceptions ) payable by the SSR of industrial products, sometimes processed by companies promiscuous;
- more expensive than industrial products sold by supermarket chains, often developed by companies promiscuous.
Our meal cost lives, production, three times more than a flour industry, other raw materials (chocolate, butter, oil, etc..) Cost even more compared to the industry, our whole process is more consideration: our product out of the kitchen at a cost that is 3 to 6 times higher than its distributed similar drugs, how then are the same price on the shelf ( 2) ?
And then, above all, why are my what are perceived as exaggerated really?
The pizza (4 pieces medium) I know cost 25 €. A girl who is studying and wants to remove his whim can not gutted every week, a round pizza in a restaurant will cost € 8 to max even Takeaway ... regoliamoci then some are otherwise forced to not to come, unfortunately.
Our white pizza costs € 18.50 / kg, the seasoned € 24.00 / kg.
If you've spent more than € 25 you get a pound of pizza topped ...
I believe that a student, in fact, can not afford-the-whim every week to eat over a kilo of pizza: I do not know if Sven, certainly does not do well.
However, by us, with € 8.00 Take a slice of pizza (medium) and also a supplement (also Take-away), but choosing between this round and the restaurant is up to you.
touches me understand what this is due to perceptual distortion, optical illusion, that our product looks more expensive than the others even if it is not.
(1) exactly one year ago, in a spat Forum AIC , I posted some data, in the meantime, our prices have remained constant.
(2) always in the same discussion, the chain of distribution of gluten-free, and its costs have written something here .
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What Causes Puffy Upper Eyelids
The Rome guide Gambero Rosso awards 76 points (including 45 of the kitchen) and a Glass Hostaria description begins:
delightful restaurant in the heart of Trastevere, with a modern and welcoming environment where glass and metal are heated by wood.
The service is always friendly and attentive, the cuisine of Cristina Bowerman serves as living very well balance and creativity in which we seem to have found its best expression.
The wine list has been expanded and you can drink by the glass very well.
then goes on to list and praising the dishes and concludes on the grounds of the bonus: the shuttle bus that takes you from the parking lot at the restaurant ... really handy if you do not feel like walking.
and from 1 January 2008 there is a new : those who eat gluten will find fresh bread and pastries at Le Ben, if you want e-book and with a little 'before too pastry-fresh and gluten-free cakes.
Glass Hostaria - Vicolo del Cinque, 58 06 58335903