Saturday, January 17, 2009

How To Write Baby Congratulations



Ricevo dal Senatore del S.O.A.V. (Supremus Ordo Agri Vercellensis) ANACREONTE la comunicazione che riporto integralmente:

“... sfogliando delle vecchie carte mi รจ venuta in mano questa, concedetemelo, eccellente espressione di sano spirito Goliardic that beloved brothers Enos Longus and Erminio Rapax created back in 1969 ano + 15.

Well yes ... 25 years have passed and the anniversary deserves to be rejoiced!

then I am glad you give this edition of "Sifilistrata" enriched by comments and notes of the original authors and who knows what at one time or another you can not put it on stage. "

I thank my friend for Anacreon the generous gift that has been kind enough to us, giving the right spread Opera.

All the following texts are from the archives of the Ordo Supremus Agri Vercellensis covered by the shield of the photo.


This is an original work, due to the creative two Goliarda Vercelli, Aerminius Rapax, born Enzo Barone, and Cestisticus Enos, born Enzo Mo.

Beginning dall'antefatto, daring are the circumstances that allow the discovery of an ancient manuscript. Some university boys in educational journey to Athens, located in a recess of the Acropolis a chest containing an autograph that will result 'be none other than Aristophanes, who, tired of the censorship of his contemporaries, I entrust' to posterity in this way the first version of what then will be 'known by the title of Lisitrata, not lacking, as a sign of contempt, to saturate the chest with thick and persistent intestinal waves. The manuscript will be 'made in metric and then translated by the authors.

The story takes place in Athens in 469 BC. Hellas women have had enough of fratricidal wars which, apart from bringing death and ruin, depriving them of the most affected 'and loved ones complain about it ....." The mighty bird of every husband amusements instead of pussy finger, fava nodosa of each spouse to throw open the doors each Job ....". Sifilistrata, the protagonist of the work, the Athenian woman, wants to solve the problem and gather the women of Sparta and Thebes: "... Oh women ... join together war and 'the scourge that denies the seed ... "railing at the same time, against the expansionist ambitions and power of the King: ".... In his noble dickhead lurks a thought crazy by crazy because he wants absolute dominion over every bitch on every horned Sifilistrata ...". It is proposed to be a project to stop the constant wars: all women Greece will have to deny their men: "... So 'you think about our waste, then find themselves lost in battle wits, pick the sword the mighty warrior, even if the member wants to vent eager ...."; giardiasis, a representative of the Spartan women, and Culofica for women of Thebes, agree to satisfy Sifilistrata e tornano alle rispettive citta’ per organizzare la rivolta.

Quando i soldati tornano dalla pugna vengono respinti in malo modo, e, anche a causa della lunga astinenza, sono disperati. Le notizie che arrivano dalle altre citta’ della Grecia sono altrettanto preoccupanti; l’Ellade tutta nega i piaceri del talamo ai maschi, come annuncia un araldo: “.. Da Sparta son giunto con tristi novelle, le piazze son piene di donne e pulzelle, son stufe di guerre, battaglie e tenzoni, si chiudon la fica ci negano i doni..”.

Sara’ la stessa Sifilistrata a spiegare ai guerrieri il motivo del rifiuto “.. siam stufe di vedervi armati sulla biga, percio’ calammo tosto il curtain on the pussy ... "and confirming that all women agree to continue the protest, warned the men:" ... if you have your senses, or male, you want to give pleasure, ficcatevi each other cocks in there ass ...".

Faced with this threat the men finally give in, decide to mutiny and the King "... we learned your lesson, the king goes in the ass, that old fool ..... if the king wants the enemy of Sparta, Athens, which starts from only no holds ....". All the cheering, especially Sifilistrata: ".... the Olympus Rejoice, sing laugh, the solid union of women in league , has rendered a service to all Hellas, at Thebes and is a messenger sent to Sparta, that brings news of our success ..... Gone are the hard declare blackmail, and they all go back to locking up like crazy ...". Women, radiant, singing in chorus: ".... and heartless Diman sovereign will in the world that love sappian always, remains the most well 'joyful ...".

poetic invocation of Tignes, the great warrior of Athens, the work concludes: "... oh cunt masterpiece of the gods, oh noble delicate August forum, silky and curly-haired, beardless that I met at the brothel, garden ludo for more 'joyful, eager to return at last to my State ....".

followed by a short text the entire work with the notes attached by the same authors.

Saturday, January 17, 1969 + 40


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