Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Put King Size Mattress On Queen Box Spring

Sabato 4
In mattinata è previsto il corteo di tutte le scuole. Leggo il manifesto che lo lancia. Ne condivido alcuni punti, non la chiamata finale, di chiara matrice anarchica, al blocco delle città, alla rivolta generalizzata. Gli anarchici hanno un grande potere di penetrazione in un ambiente oramai totalmente deideologizzato come quello della scuola, e riescono facilmente ad imporre le loro parole d’ordine.
Faticosamente, nel primo pomeriggio, riesco a ricostruire quanto è accaduto la mattina, dopo notizie confuse che giungevano da ogni parte: gli occupanti del Classico avevano deciso to terminate their employment, as agreed with the manager, heard the news were the protesters converged in bulk at Piazza Risorgimento. At the end of high school was left. I will write then later one of the representatives of the Institute will raise, in any form, protests and claims. Bravo!
At 15 with two colleagues that they believed more strongly to the goodness and maturity of self we are going to talk to the guys Rummo. There are various "souls" of employment. By exposing our position very clearly: it was a success, in content and message sent to the town, now abandoned this form of protest and treat delle “riforme”, si creano dei tavoli di discussione a livello di istituto e di città per una vera autoriforma della scuola. Noi, in caso contrario, non garantiremo più la nostra presenza e il nostro supporto. Alcuni capiscono il senso del nostro discorso, lo condividono, ma sono netta minoranza. Vado via con l’impressione, condivisa, che tra molti degli occupanti, soprattutto dopo quella che è stata percepita come “caduta” del Classico (e che, invece, è stato un atto responsabile, maturo), si sia diffusa una sorta di “sindrome da Termopili”: «Liceali, godetevi la vostra colazione…». Intanto non hanno organizzato nulla di interessante: si canta e si gioca a carte… I am very puzzled.
Sunday 5
Continued uncertainty. Browse profiles, write, ask for information, I feel with my colleagues. We can not simply wash our hands, we owe it to our students, that they remain even if they hire from our point of view, the wrong locations. I also believe that reality is dialectical, that everything we do change it, so I will not resign. At 10
send a message to all my students, where I explain what happened the day before: "We told them what we thought was a success because, as long as the occupation ended the weekend and with the Manager to have EXAMINED During the year, degli spazi di cogestione. E che, invece, rimanere in attesa dello sgombero con la forza avrebbe vanificato quanto di buono fatto». Lo inoltro anche ai leader della protesta, o quelli con i quali ho maggiormente interloquito in questi giorni.
Nel pomeriggio viene convocata un’assemblea alle 16. La maggioranza decide di proseguire sine die l’occupazione. Le ragioni della minoranza suscitano irritazione e reazioni vibranti. I ragazzi mi scrivono. Sono amareggiato.
Dopo cena vado a scuola. Non entro, ma chiedo ai ragazzi di smontare le mie cose lasciate a scuola (l’amplificatore, le casse…). Qualcuno di loro chiede conto del mio mutamento di posizione: rispiego le cose dette il giorno prima. Mi sembrano confusi. Chiedo: qual è il vostro obiettivo? «Arrivare fino al 14… la caduta del Governo… l’affossamento della Legge Gelmini…». In bocca al lupo. «Vi dimostreremo che sapremo organizzare attività importanti anche senza l’aiuto dei professori». Ne sarei molto felice. È quello che ho sempre desiderato.
In bocca al lupo, Spartani. Speriamo che nessuno di voi debba cenare il pane amaro d’un prosaico Ade…
Friday, December 3, 2010
Blade Trench Coat For Sale

Giovedì 2
Alle 10 sono al Rummo . Assisto all’incontro dei ragazzi con tre colleghe. Dissento su alcune questioni, ma trovo straordinari quei docenti che accettano di mettersi in discussione without the network of "power" given to us by votes, records, programs. Everything that would normally teach as an abstract theory asks to be embodied. If not now, when? Commenting on my open letter to Mrs. Anna Romano writes in the "Book", "The discomfort that my daughter is the obvious lack of ideas from his teammates to make sense of these days, but to me it's lacking a key component of the school, namely the teachers! Where am I? Why are not with them and help them understand how she did, turning to the various institutions? The confidence of its pupils are being earned by their side forever, especially in these times. " Aiutare a capire… Questo dovrebbe essere scritto nel nostro ideale “giuramento di Socrate”, cui ogni docente dovrebbe essere chiamato all’inizio della sua carriera.
Iniziamo a vedere (con la LIM, la lavagna luminosa multimediale, destinata a cambiare le modalità dell’insegnamento nei prossimi anni) C apitalism. A love story . Spiego rapidamente ai ragazzi chi è Michael Moore , i suoi documentari sull’uso dell’armi in America, sull’11 settembre, sul sistema sanitario, il suo radicalismo democratico. Seguono in raccolto silenzio. Non parliamo della rivoluzione (o forse sì), ma cerchiamo di “capire” (insieme) il nostro tempo. Lo spiego to two representatives of parents who have come, cleverly, to see with their own eyes. At 16.30
are Giannone, the school where I taught in recent years. Most of the occupants are engaged in inter-agency meeting to Guacci. I read to my kids present open letter, I express my position. I listen to them. The greatest discomfort was born in the attitude of their professors. There was no dialogue, indeed, moments of high tension day of employment. The attitude of dialogue and open the manager has avoided degeneration. I encourage them to ask for an official meeting with the faculty member to explain the reasons for the move. I am convinced that only the synergistic action of all members of the school will begin a process of self-reform. I leave them with a reflection of Edgar Morin (whose head well done invited the boys to "take hold of their education), on the need for reform of knowledge that goes hand in hand with reform of ' statement: "We need to rearm intellectually, instructing us to think about the complexity and groped in the era of thinking about global problems of mankind." I go to
Guacci, where I find an even different. Here the group "aware" is fairly small. Component dominates the play. We put ourselves in a small classroom. We reach the links, thinking with which it all started. I find this attitude admirable. Not satisfied with what the kids do, but there is present, it is questioned. I ask the boys and girls to talk, to tell their experiences. Emerging enthusiasm for the 'company' disappointment at the response of the body of the Institute. From our work shows some viable proposals for the future: the building of an editorial and a school newspaper, the proposed times of co-management with the active participation of teachers, thanks to the great availability of the manager, launching an afternoon movie sessions and regular meetings on current depth and invitation to read. Small groups are aware that changing the reality ...
Friday 3
At 10 are Rummo . We complete the vision of Moore's documentary about the disasters of American turbo-capitalism, the crisis of 2006. I have prepared a brief discussion on " decrease . The boys do not know anything. I speak of their Ivan Illich and Serge Latouche. Rather than discuss the theoretical framework of the movement, I try to make proposals for action: to buy a filter jug \u200b\u200band start drinking water home, preparing food (like yogurt) at home, suggest to replace the scooter with an electric bike ... But above all that complex to begin the work of "decolonization of the imaginary" without which the world of "goods" will continue with its glitter to dominate inside. And, philosophically, to begin to crack the myth of "progress", by Bacon that haunts Western culture. I will list the sites where they go into that. I close my urging them to recount the experience that they are living, and speak to them about this diary. "Find your own words to explain, out of here, what is happening." The discussion continues with some of the boys, disturbed by these proposals. I realize, talking with them, how difficult it is to scratch the "culture" of consumption of goods, progress, speed and especially the media have inculcated in them, the single thought. The role of education in the "resistance" of teachers is crucial.
The boys are moving en masse to participate in the parade with other schools.
I think of what to do in the afternoon with them. I'd like to reflect on the transformative power of great poetry, Dylan Thomas read and René Char (dear Dr. Del Vecchio, the boys are hungry for poetry, I think, and perhaps even revolution, maybe they need adults in dialogo piuttosto che di laudatores temporis acti e dei loro sprezzanti giudizi). Mi arriva un messaggio: salta tutto per il pomeriggio.
Non so cosa accade e accadrà domani. Non so quando i ragazzi termineranno l’occupazione. Per rispetto nei loro confronti non partecipo mai alle assemblee. Li condizionerei. Aspetto trepidante lo sviluppo degli eventi.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How To Do Princess Pinatas

Martedì 30
È il mio giorno libero ( dies sacer per i docenti delle Superiori). Su Facebook verso ora di pranzo vengo a sapere che i ragazzi hanno occupato: Scientifico, Classico, Guacci, Alberti, Alberghiero, Artistico… È un fulmine a ciel sereno. Mai come quest’anno la parola “occupazione” era stata assente dalle discussioni tra e con i ragazzi. Che fare? Ne discuto in rete con una collega cara e appassionata. Scrivo nel tardo pomeriggio una Lettera aperta rivolta soprattutto ai colleghi: rimaniamo accanto ai ragazzi in questo momento nevralgico della storia del nostro paese. L’epigrafe è di De André: «E se vi siete detti / non sta succedendo niente…» È la Canzone del maggio , che chiude: «provate pure a credervi assolti / siete lo stesso coinvolti».
Verso le 20 vado al Rummo. Compro qualcosa da portare: merendine, cioccolata, un pandoro, qualche bottiglia di tè. Assisto ad un duro scontro verbale davanti alle doors. The occupants did not want outside inside. Inside is a serene: the lively discussions, but everything is quiet. Embrace the megaphone that I lent to the boys. Will I see the end of everything? :) I begin to understand that these guys are new compared to previous years. Seeking knowledge and acting are absolutely no "ideology" of pre-established positions. I agree to come the next day to do something.
Wednesday 1
At 9.30 are Rummo. I brought along an amplifier with two speakers, the jack for connecting everything to the laptop, an autonomous body with the microphone. I prepared three, four things used in recent years to the day ... enza to the LIC Giannone: spirituality in the music of Battiato, an introduction to the work of Bob Dylan, the relationship between classical and rock music. Opto eventually for De Andrè . Faber would have been next to these guys. I'm sure. Start by listening to Charles Martel . Short circuit, but this king, who suffers from sexual addiction, it reminds us of a sultan of our time? 'Is it possible for a dog or pig / adventures in the realm Codest / debban resolved all with large whores? ". The day before Sky had broadcast an interview with Nadia Macri De Andrè ... I'm talking about, "traitor" class in the second half of the sixties, the influence of Brel, the concept album, its radical Christianity. Arrival in the nineties. I ask, finally, a religious gathering to listen Sunday of remains, the largest Italian songs of all time in my opinion. It is an intense moment, the prophetic description of the fifteen years of that regime is about to close, thanks to the guys in front of me, "The Sunday of the bodies / officers to nostalgia / accompaniment of flutes / the corpse of Utopia / The Sunday corpse / was a Sunday like many / the next day there were signs / peace of terrifying. " The lobby is a buzz of voices, faces you seek ... The guys are excited: I understand. In the end I invite them to cultivate Faber, cantor of the excluded, the last, against all moral self-righteous. I want a reflection on the issue of the South in the afternoon. Studio.
back to them at 16.30. Luckily some of my colleagues have chosen to say: I admire them. They do not share completely the choice of occupation, yet there are, are with their children, continue to be who they are educators. It is a relief for me. The boys want to talk about Saviano and the Camorra, the word and its power, they want to do guitar lessons, pinch, sculpture ...
The classroom is full and careful. I ask them a few thoughts preliminary. Some are reading Terroni of Pino April. They talk about it. I tell them that in all these years, I have always tried to give an image problem of the Italian Risorgimento, which did see the limits now entered the common consciousness, exploded with the robbery, but also the limits of democratic thought "defeated," the limits of Mazzini and the absence of serious reflection on the specific conditions of the jump in the twentieth century South. Using Three ways of seeing the South of Franco Cassano . Shows the two dominant paradigms of thought southern (and that of the colonial "delay"), and their limits. Finally, I dwell on "thought meridian, creative ways to resume long-standing issue and come out of the shallows. The kids involved, ask questions, the speech touches key issues: the economy, capitalism, Marx ... I propose, for the next day to see Capitalism. A love story of Moore. Proposal accepted.
I head to Giannone. Embrace guys who still feel my pupils. I talk to a dear colleague, who tells me the sense of responsibility. The Institute is in perfect order. You play soccer in the rain and chat. They ask me to come the next day in the afternoon. I also called the Guacci. In the evening, network, dialogue. One of my former student, very committed to the right, critics savaged the movement: do not even know what to protest, he says. I say: the awareness is created, it is a path. These guys are asking to be an active part of their growth process and demand that the state invest more resources in training. Place photos of occupations. I'm glad to be next to them, to teach and learn.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Falcon Eye Drops Pink Eye

Benevento Students have occupied some schools in the city (Benevento is a city of paradoxes and counter: hence the university is moving "Towed" by the student numbers for both operational proposal ...). I was still a "precarious" wearily took place when the last job before Christmas, sad and senseless. For many years this practice was abandoned in protest. Now, suddenly and without announcement, returns to a pivotal moment in the history of our country.
What kind of contribution we can give our teachers what happens? A dear colleague writes to me on Facebook: "This does not take." It is, therefore, just let them live their protest. But the school is also ours. I do not say rather than Rummo Giannone or Guacci, no, say the school, with a capital S, that you mentioned Domenico Starnone in Come away with me. It is ours as educators, it is because our fathers and mothers of children who attend or will attend, is ours as citizens of this city and this country, where it still has the duty to form the civic conscience. And, then, is what concerns us. We can choose to watch the story with detachment, with the excuse now that the Reformation (sic) for the Superiors Gelmini has already started, or try to look beyond our nose, and, for once, "going to fly ". What is happening these days? Witnessing the disgraceful end of a long political season, "the age of Berlusconi", dominated by ego hypertrophy of a man suffering from narcissism, first, then gradually delusions of omnipotence and, finally, as claimed by the wife of sexual addiction. It is clear that Berlusconi was also (and powerfully) culture (hegemonic already since the eighties) and a block of interest. But now all this is ending, and not just the sex scandals or the collapse of Pompeii or the revelations of Wikileaks. No: the "narrative" of Berlusconi does not work anymore, or he has shown himself able to protect those interests that their governments should protect. And then, this is the time for a new narrative, symbolic and sympathetic reception from the heartfelt tale, full of life Roberto Saviano and passion, in which many Italians have been recognized. If this is the state of the art, the renewed student movement (the symbol for me are the Bloc Book, kids-book), who protested for Culture and the Knowledge, against a conception that the word "meritocracy" hides the will to cut resources, should be supported and accompanied. Worldwide public school, regardless of our personal political orientations (and it does not appear in contradiction with the analysis "part" that I conducted), should call for a true reform, it has to be first of all un'autoriforma . It is the dignity of all. It must claim that this reform is not disputed political, ideological clash. There must be an agreement at the next election campaign, to start really being the "constituent" of the new school, shared a new beginning. It is not possible to match any government reform (Berlinguer, Moratti, Fioroni, Gelmini) that passes over the heads of those who make the school (teachers, students, teaching staff, managers) and later discarded by the government to start over, exhausted a body already ill. I do not like the school for what it is. But I believe that any reform that steps on the size of the one who acts biopsychic is doomed to failure.
Ladies and gentlemen, my invitation is twofold: to help the boys, our alumni, nostri figli, a capire ed agire con responsabilità (e quindi evitiamo che il problema diventi solo di “ordine pubblico”), e creiamo anche noi dei momenti di discussione e proposta per appropriarci di un processo riformatore che non può che partire da noi.
Nicola Sguera
(docente di storia e filosofia del Liceo Scientifico “G. Rummo”)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Pityriasis Rosea And Hogkin
1. Perché i poeti?
Perché i poeti? È la domanda che si poneva il 29 dicembre del 1946 Martin Heidegger front of a small circle of people gathered in the twentieth anniversary of the death of Rainer Maria Rilke , extraordinary poet, now removed from the Italian culture, the author of Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus .
In turn, the seemingly obscure thinker in the Black Forest quoting the elegy of bread and wine Friedrich Hölderlin: "Why are poets in times of poverty?" Or, we could translate the "need". The great poet and thinker crowds confront us with the catastrophe of the time that we still live, a time of poverty:
"The night of the world extends its darkness [...]. The absence of God means that there's no God who gather in itself visibly and clearly, people and things [...]. Because of this lack is not the world each foundation that funds [...]. The age at which there is no basis pending the abyss. Given that, in general, is still confidential at this time a turn, this can only take place if the world is turned upside down from top to bottom, that is if you flip from the abyss. In the age of the deep darkness of the world must be recognized and suffered through. But for this to take place there must be those who come to the abyss. "
2. I poeti in cammino verso l’abisso
Ebbene per Heidegger il compito di arrivare all’abisso per consentirne, eventualmente, un suo capovolgimento è il compito dei poeti nel tempo della povertà. I poeti sono coloro che possono rintracciare la direzione della Svolta.
Iniziando un lavoro di contaminazione che chiunque di voi potrà ovviamente contestarmi dal punto di vista ermeneutico o filologico, prendo ad emblema sommo di tali poeti del tempo della povertà, per così dire, un interlocutore che Heidegger disperatamente cercò, intuendone la profondità abissale, e che a lui, per motivi biografici che entrano nella nostra riflessione, si sottrasse. Sto parlando di Paul Celan, Romanian poet jew-but-speaking German, whose father died of typhus and his mother was shot by the Nazis in the concentration camp of Michajlovka, Ukraine. Celan was naturally wary of a thinker who had joined the Nazis in the Thirties, crimen unforgivable if it is true that only death in the Seine water may make peace with all the dead of his people.
Yet Celan seems to "respond" to the appeal contained in the discussions to follow Heidegger's Being and Time . It seems to be the poet who, elevated to universal experience dell'attraversamento "Orphic" of death which we are called the Holocaust
3. The uprising against the death
We are in the extreme desolation, the cantata in 1922 by TS Eliot's The Waste Land in , another peak of the poem to which I refer. "Will I be able to finally bring order to my country?" Asks the dejected fisherman who re-closes the poem. Can we put an order in our land? Only if we have the courage to question the whole framework on which our civilization is based, only if we pass through death and out of it (Orphic?) Renewed. Moreover, the "new life" is a perennial aspiration of the poets ... The poem becomes, therefore, luongo insurgency and resurrezionale: the insurgency is against death. "And death shall have no dominion" sings the Welsh bard Dylan Thomas in a memorable poem ... But the poet who most claimed this clash agonist / agonistic with
put you in front of the radical nature of his poetry in Source:
"The poems are pieces of uncorrupted existence we are launching on the face of the hideous death, but so high, bouncing on it, designating the unit will fall in the world."
"Poetry, unique ascent of man, the sun of the dead can not tarnish in a derisive perfect and infinite."
"Doing poetry is to take possession of an afterlife marriage which is well within this life, closely linked to it, and yet in close proximity of the urns of earth".
"The vitality of the vitality of the afterlife is not a poet but a point polished current admissions and transcendent journey on earth storms. "
"Having poetry in order to make customizing sovereign, we draw, thanks to the poem, the fullness of what had just sketched or deformed by the braggadocio of the individual."
"The poet, translating the plan into action inspired by converting a series of trials in charge of resurrection, forcing the oasis of cold to break through every pore of discouragement and creates glass prism, hydra effort, the wonderful , and the rigor of the flood, with your lips for his wisdom and my blood like dais. "
"Poetry is a song of departure". Poetry and action, willfully communicating vessels. The poem implies that the arrow tip of the bow action ... "The poem is
challenge to the death. Poetry is a search for a wedding beyond (in which the ego is combined, thus reducing its size ego, egocentric, selfish, than "bragging individual") which is not alluded to by the transcendent religions , the "real world" of which Nietzsche speaks , but is well within this life, in perfect "fidelity to the earth." Poetry is the song of departure. From where? From that dark place, from the abyss that Celan had explored the most desolate place that today, unwittingly, we inhabit. But not a song of farewell, resignation. For it, the poetry, the feed stock, the action of transforming the world. Joint Action, lived in the sharing between men and women of flesh and bones.
see, is not accidental that Char uses the image of the arc. Reborn in him, we might say, in the hope of Heidegger, the poetic-the thought that even the beginning of Greece had come through. Bow and lyre ... Heraclitus the Obscure, dearest Char, replicating other things: the evocative writing that combines what we conventionally call poetry and prose but also the idea epifanica della verità. Noi occidentale per attraversare la morte dobbiamo liberarci dal giogo platonico-cristiano, che la scienza moderna eredita (che tradisce il messaggio gesuano) del possesso stabile. Noi non siamo padroni e nulla che sia stabilmente è. Dobbiamo accettare l’evento, l’accadere che ci viene dato e che noi possiamo solo accogliere: «Una chiave sarà la mia dimora» dice Char. E ancora: «Se abitiamo un lampo, è il cuore dell’eterno». Noi, per dirla con Marco Guzzi , mio maestro (ai cui libri, L’uomo nascente e La profezia dei poeti devo molte suggestioni di questa serata), apparteniamo soltanto a un lampo che scaturisce ogni volta a monte di noi stessi, nel nostro Principio». Non ci sono possessi stabili: di verità, di certezze, come Platone sognava, i filosofi cristiani predicavano, i sacerdoti della tecnoscienza ripetono ogni giorno.
4. Il dominio tecnico della terra
E dove ha condotto questa “certezza”? Torniamo ad Heidegger. Nella conferenza da cui abbiamo preso le mosse scrive:
5. Poetic view of the emerging
If this is not desertified condition of the twenties but still our era as we know, what poetry has to argue? What is his, and I quote a friend of Char Camus knowingly, "revolt"? In the absence of men Dylan Thomas shows what the conquest of poetry. The poet wins the "sovereign gaze" that oxymoron, is - as desired by the king Tao - boy look capable of astonishment before the world left to be what it is.
In times of poverty, the poet reaches the abyss, through death, having donated his eyes (or listening) purified, leaving trees and animals again be what they are, without "objectified" (ie look at them and treat them as items for his will to power). The poet is l’incarnazione di quella “grazia” per cui, nel mondo dominato dalla necessità e dalla forza, come insegna
6. La “vera presenza” della poesia
Ma perché proprio la poesia ha questo ruolo assolutamente decisivo? Qual è la qua qualità specifica che rende possibile tale miracolo? Per arrivare alla nostra conclusione ci aiutano le parole dell’unico poeta vivente che citerò stasera, la cui opera, incredibilmente, è da pochi mesi disponibile in traduzione italiana. Si tratta di Yves Bonnefoy , refined critic and lover of the great Italian art. Well, it Bonnefoy The challenge of poetry western states that the continued risk faced by man - in the process of conceptualization which also was responsible for the birth of civilization - is that "things" slip away.
"When something has been drawn by one thing or a being, they had their own reality within the world of existence [...] This is what was the thing to which the concept has drawn a look: a reality that will never happen again. I shall call this way of being present [...] The concept [...] does not, however neither beginning nor end, nor space, and non sa nulla del caso, non ne godrà né lo patirà. Quella rosa è vicina al vecchio muro, mentre il concetto di rosa è in uno spazio mentale, costituito da relazioni ovviamente e totalmente pure quanto una formula algebrica. E da questa scissione tra concetto e presenza consegue che il discorso concettuale non potrà mai capire dall’interno quella realtà esistenziale che pure è la nostra».
La poesia, dunque, è rimembranza (termine non casualmente leopardiano ripreso da Bonnefoy) nel discorso della presenza stessa che quel discorso annulla. Ma come è possibile tale paradosso? Perché alla poesia è possibile, utilizzando gli stessi mattoni del discorso concettuale, cioè la words, construct a building radically different? Why does the poem sound, the sound dimension have a decisive importance. Normally the appearance of sound, in everyday use, for example, you lose. In the poem, no. The sound ensures the presence (the "real presence", let me quote my beloved Steiner) of the thing.
"Just hear the sound, and the presence of memory comes to mind, which then turns towards that thing with a new look [...]. The sound of the word in the language that preserves the same reality that dissolves the language [...] It is sufficient that [the poem] uses the words from the sounds, and concepts will be made in danger, their authority will be weakened [...]. Contact is found with its presence. That's why [...] the full presence of an object or person, is the challenge [...] poetry in a society that forgets that voting is a representation. "
the society of the spectacle, in the society of simulacra, the poetry of the real presence is an act arising out, revolt permanent
" The poet, curator of the infinite faces of living things' (René Char) .
(Summary of REQUIRED November 24
Monday, September 13, 2010
How To Gay Masterbait

Friday 17
Teatro De Simone - At 18.00
Contemplation flame
Tribute to Joseph Luongo Bartolini
Projecting Remember life
Directed by Leonardo County
Humanitas and research of the beyond:
essay by Carlo Di Lieto
interludes on saxophone Anthony Mastrogiacomo
Saturday 18
Teatro De Simone - At 18.00
Introduced Alberico D'Auria
Sunday 19
Gardens Theatre De Simone - At 20.30
If the sun
Nothing scares
intertext internal work of Pier Paolo Pasolini
spoken voices: The corybant
Tuesday, 21
Teatro De Simone - At 18.30
Bianca Frabotta
Quartet masses and voice
Fragments for poetic autobiography introduces Nicholas
Wednesday 22
Teatro De Simone - At 18.00
Sandro Pedicini poet
words, images and music with James Cerulo, EUDEC Feleppa and Hugh Simon.
Venerdì 24
Teatro De Simone
Ore 17,00
La poesia “meridiana”
Giuseppe Iuliano e Paolo Saggese
Centro di documentazione sulla poesia del Sud
Ore 19,00
Riccardo Dalisi e la poesia dell’arte povera
Proiezione di Latta e caffè di Antonello Matarazzo
essay by Robert Serino
Saturday 25
Library Luidig \u200b\u200b(Collenea Palace, Corso Garibaldi 95) - 18 Hours
Gabriele Frasca:
Of empty entries
Introduced by David De Rei
Sunday 26
Teatro De Simone - 18 hours
the rose needed:
The bow and the lyre
Poetry in source of René Char
Program Art'Empori for "Poetry in the form of pink
Monday, September 20, 2010 - Via San Modesto - Benevento
Day in collaboration with the Center for Disabilities 'E' more beautiful together. "
In case of rain, the event will be held in the gymnasium of the elementary school St. Modesto, in Florence.
0re 16.00 - Piazza San Modesto
A new strategy of love . The poetry of hid in the heart : there, no one would try. They found the children, poets and clowns. Laboratory to community care RNCD Clown Doctors.
0re 20.00 - Piazza San Modesto poetic - first part.
Poetry reading, proposed by Benevento, from " - \u200b\u200bKnot Free speech and civic poetry."
0re 21.00 - Piazza San Modesto
"The world saved by children." multimedia events created by Alexander Caporaso, Luigi and Alessandro Furno Paolo Lombardo (Art'Empori). Based on the text of Elsa Morante.
Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Piazza Santa Sofia - Benevento
18.00-Teatro De Simone
Public debate on the words capable of action, capable of emotions on the common good.
presentation and PoeCivismo related instruments
Prepared by the members of Art'Empori
- Manifesto PoeCivismo. Movement of authors and users for an art capable of good common
- Decalogue of cultural emporiums.
Ten resolutions for use / stewardship of cultural emporiums (libraries, art galleries, music venues, cinema, theater);
- Decalogue of the cultural and environmental organizations.
Ten rules to responsibly organize and attend fairs, festivals, exhibitions and conferences;
- Ten Commandments of responsible journalism.
Ten rules for writing and reading information responsibly in newspapers, TV and web;
- Poecivismo. pages.
The sheet Art'Empori for an art capable of good. Magazine of Arts and depth;
- Poecivismo. I post.
Art'Empori's blog for a contribution to art as citizenship is not delegated.
The social responsibility of the artist.
spoke of the cultural associations and voluntary
Art'Empori and Rainbow Network on "The summit emotional art as a language common to hear of the approval. The experiential first-person for a user who becomes a co-author of citizenship is not delegated . An ethical use of art for a world that is evolving more into the emotions that in daily great revolutions " by Alessio Masone.
Art'Empori on" The Rose flowers without a reason: poetry, (for) gift, the look of the emerging " by Nicola Sguera.
Community RNCD Clown Doctors on "The clown is poetry personified: whole man as the overcoming of dualism," by Enzo Maddaloni.
Town of Euphemia on "Poetry wins a thousand centuries of silence: to treat the eye to live in the world," by Carmela Longo.
Città di Eufemia su "La scultura sociale di Joseph Beuys per una condivisione emozionale dell'arte", tramite Mario Festa.
Centro per disabili "E' più bello insieme" su La fragilità si protegge con la bellezza, non con la forza. Per una nuova strategia di inclusione sociale basata sulle emozioni etiche e non sulle leggi", tramite Angelo Moretti.
Art'Empori su "Il linguaggio dell'arte come linguaggio dell'anima: suo valore terapeutico e trasformativo ", tramite Anna Tecce.
Ore 21.00 - piazza Santa Sofia poetico - seconda parte.
Lettura di poesie, proposte dai beneventani, dal " - Nodo di libero intervento civico e poetico". Node free speech and civic poetry.
Two benches (terraces, podiums) which placed the district in Modesto and San Piazza Santa Sofia, according to the two readings of poetry by Art'Empori would remain a permanent use of a citizenry that "takes the word" as a permanent record of the festival.
artemporiana The section of the festival "Poetry in the form of a rose" is actually promoted by the following associations:
- Art'Empori. Art community biodiversity
- Rainbow Network. Associations for a solidarity economy;
- Community RNCD Clown Doctors;
- Centre for Disabled 'Most beautiful together;
- City of Eufemia. Node solidarity economy;
- LIPU Benevento
- Lerka Minerka. Hiking Association;
- La Cinta
- GAS Rainbow. Group Purchasing Supportive
- Tandem21/Quinua. Critical Consumption and Trade Fair
- CAI Italian Alpine Club. Chamber of Benevento;
- NO incinerator at St. Saviour Telesino;
- A Guard environment.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Commercial Lease Offer Letter
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Settlement Offer Letter
Con il presente comunicato vogliamo ringraziare le tifoserie del
NIZZA e del DERTHONA per la presenza di sabato al 1°TORNEO
Nonostante una giornata non ottimale, visto il maltempo (siamo
ULTRAS e non permettiamo certo al tempo di fermarci) la
partecipazione è stata molto elevata contando oltre il centinaio di
La giornata ci ha permesso di passare del tempo con amici di altre
realtà e ha dato possibilità di partecipare attivamente ai ragazzi
DIFFIDATI che durante la stagione calcistica devono stare lontani
dallo stadio.
Il sabato appena trascorso non sarà certo l’ultima giornata di
confronto e di unione contro la REPRESSIONE, ma è stato
un’occasione in più per rafforzare le nostre tifoserie per la battaglia
più importante: quella per la nostra LIBERTA’.
Samurai Ultras Imperia
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sailor Moon English 200
grazie come sempre a Gigheland per le foto!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Canon Dslr Travel Bag

The real football and soccer great
I know almost all the possible objections and criticisms to this discussion, and some share it. Football is an integral part of contemporary capitalism, in some ways is the emblem, including construction forced imaginary television and salaries billionaires. Imagine for a moment to speak, however, the calcium level to its "ideal" pure form of sport, a combination of competitive spirit, team play, individual talent.
One Fine Day ... Inter
I started cheering Inter-case basis. My father gave me a complete Inter: Nerazzurri shirt, shorts blacks, thick woolen socks Inter. It was a great thrill for me. My father loved football and sport in general. I do not know why he did. In any case, as often happens, scored a destiny. My earliest memories are from Inter legati agli album Panini: Lido Vieri, Muraro, Pasinato, Oriali, Beccalossi… Ricordo molti pianti per eliminazioni dell’Inter in coppa. Essere interista ha significato patire per molti anni più che gioire, soffrire un apparentemente irrimediabile complesso di inferiorità rispetto al blasone della Juventus, alla sua forza serena, e poi alla grandezza del Milan berlusconiano. Anni grami. Interismo viene giustamente corretto, scrivendo in word, automaticamente in “isterismo”. Parole comunicanti per tanti, troppi anni, con l’unica parentesi della formidabile Inter di Trapattoni, l’Inter teutonica, con un immenso terzino sinistro (Brehme) e uno straordinario centrocampista universale, Lothar Mattheus, con whose name on the back I would like to end my long career as an amateur. Then, still dark, the only ray of sunshine in the Uefa Cup victory with Lazio
Man Setubal
With a twist typical of his management, Moratti Mancini replaced last year with Jose Mourinho, fascinating Portuguese coach, who won the Champion's with Porto, the finalist with Chelsea , with whom he won two Premier League. Last year's man Setubal coached a team not built by him, having failed nell'innesto two new people (a very keen and handsomely paid), Quaresma and Mancini, and sacrificing to a new form (4-3-3 ) ranked in the qualifying round of the Champion's. Quiet victory of the championship, with the bitterness for the elimination of Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester. This summer the revolution: five new players acquired thanks to the fruitful exchange with Barcelona between Ibrahimovic, Inter's Mancini demiurge, and Et'o. With the money difference between the two, many have been taken: Milito, Thiago Motta, Lucio, Snejider and, in January, Pandev. All grafts are decisive for Inter who have won the Italian Cup, league title and played the final of the Champions Bayern, after removal of Chelsea and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen winning the Premier League and English. Mourinho is an alien in the world of football. We are weaving a eulogy before final and most likely his departure from Inter. He once said: "He only understands football does not understand anything about football." I just have to define the anomaly of a self-referential character in a world inhabited by icons "ignorant" and proud of their ignorance. Italian football is Francesco Totti, his free-range sympathy, unmindful of books of poetry. Well, Mourinho, against this stereotype is claimed ignorance of the media coverage that almost mo 'value, said almost harshly another image of football: hard work, meticulous study and culture. Occurred, he already multilingual, the first conference with a sparkling Italian Italianissimo coaches would envy for their vocabulary and constipated. He coined phrases entered in the imagination of those years: from "zero tituli" to "intellectual prostitution". He has always led with intelligence and finesse his opponents without ever being vulgar. He denounced the obvious limitations of our football, especially its link with the economic powers that make it a little self-judgments. This has created the reputation of a great communicator, overshadowed by his ability to coach, a psychologist, a trainer and tactician. Inter emerged reborn from the care Mourinho has become a team, first of all, no prima donnas, capable of sacrifice. He was excited to see Et'o, candidate for the Ballon d'Or, Lion of Africa, twice winner of the Champion's, make left-back in some matches. This we can only get those who are following with absolute confidence of his men. It is paradoxical, but Mourinho was able to turn twenty samples in a team based on mutual aid. And all this happened without ever discussing his private life. All the opposite of what happens in Italian football. For all these reasons, beyond the outcome of Saturday - the first final of Inter fans for generations like mine - we have gratitude to this man. Not only are Inter fans, obviously, but all coloro che in Italia amano il calcio. Coniugare lo sport con la cultura (chi citerà più Sartre in una sua polemica?), con modi fermi ma sempre civili è cosa rara in un paese sguaiato e plebeo come l’Italia, dove l’ignoranza viene spacciata per spontaneità. Mourinho, infine, nei modi in cui ha gestito il caso Balotelli, bambino viziato aspirante al ruolo di stella, ha data una grande lezione di pedagogia applicata a educatori e genitori.
Il calcio italiano, da domenica, sarà più banale, più rozzo, più ignorante. Ci mancherà, mi mancherà.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Camera Value For Money
Giovedì 6 maggio siamo stati a "La prova del cuoco", insieme a Gabriele Bonci, per insegnare a fare la pizza senza glutine.
Potete vedere il podcast qui .
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
What Does It Look Like When You Get Your Period
There are no words to describe the moment, the news of the dissolution of the obligation BSN85 ultras and other groups by the French Interior Ministry gives rise.
I'll be back on the subject, for now I just write the names of groups that have suffered this decision
-Brigade Sud Nice
Supras Auteuil-Paris-
Paris Paris-Determination
Commando Loubard Boulogne-Paris-
Milice Paris Boulogne-
Cosa Nostra Lyon
At BSN85 and all other groups should be my and our full solidarity
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Who's Jack In The Box

was played in the air after the derby against Monaco. Now it's official: the French Interior Ministry has requested the dissolution of organized cheering Nice. The government decided to abolish completely the ultras of Nice, to give a strong signal against hooliganism.
's intention to terminate activities ultras, was born at the very end of the clashes 'Louis II' of Monaco, by the fans of Nice and the Secretary of State for Sport, Rama Yade, do not hesitate to point the finger against the ultras and players associations of certain behaviors. And the Nice is the first on the list ... But
'brigade du South 'is there and has responded to the criticism appeared in the letter sent to the Ministry of the Interior Milan fans, saying they are tired of being treated like thugs and degenerates. In any event, the National Commission will meet Tuesday against the prevention of violence to say whether the ultras of Nice, and not only they will not continue to live or not.
Andrea Di Blasio
Adapted from Sanremonews
Saturday, April 24, 2010
American Braid For Men
From the visit, this took the course on a hike near Mount Gazzo, where the local enthusiasts have drawn some pretty fun trails and comodi da raggiungere.
Il nostro Paolo ha così provato la sua nuova "TRANSITION COVERT" uguale a quella che con il nostro campione Andrea Bruno sta dominando le prime prove di Superenduro e da lui montata appositamente.
A giudicare dai risultati la bici và veramente bene,infatti Paolo era velocissimo e visibilmente soddisfatto.
A seguire come spesso accade nei nostri raid si è finiti con i piedi sotto la tavola a ridere ed a scherzare.
Adesso riprenderemo le operazioni di pulizia dei tracciati storici e ne inseriremo almeno un paio nuovi probabilmente con risalite in seggiovia!
Appena pronti comunicheremo tutte le informazioni necessarie,intanto mentre la neve si sta dissolvendo divertiamoci where you can!
greetings to all bikers!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Do I Need A Capacitor For Car Stereo

Sunday, April 25, 2010 MUNICIPAL FIELD
Ceriale Cisano - IMPERIA
13:45 PM STARTING AT 14:15
--- .---
help children this latest BATTLE ...............
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hello guys,
Saturday, May 1st in Venice will hold a national meeting of the ultras movement against the card fans,
to which you are all invited. This summer
risk ending up pretty ready, this new card will replace all subscriptions and will be mandatory for sectors guests away.
At this point we can not do anything else, the progress made is promising.
targeted to be the pool of lawyers who have followed this story from the beginning.
-Situation in Parliament of the proposed repeal of Article 9.
-case situation in the TAR of Lazio's appeal against the ticket of the fans.
-Discussion on the recent proposals of the Minister Maroni on retroactivity the card's fan sentenced to over the past 5 years.
-Report of the initiatives proposed by the ultras world in recent months against the card's fan.
Please forward this flyer to your curves and your e-mail contacts.
The doors are open to all groups of Ultras Italy.
E 'forbidden to take pictures or symbols with political references or the like.
I hope to see you even if it is a day of celebration, unfortunately other dates were not available.
For further information there are contacts on the flyer.
: Tronchetto parking lot in Venice, very convenient place to reach, just out of the parking (fee) c'el'imbarcadero the vessel (line 2), makes a stop and you get to BAG Fisola in 5 minutes.
Other paid parking are also at Piazzale Roma, from this same thing, they take a ferry (line 2 and 41) for BAG Fisola.
To avoid parking charges (which in Venice are quite expensive) you can leave your car in Mestre and reach the city center by bus or train to the town line.
places are recommended via Righi, San Giuliano, from which there is only a bus or near the Mestre train station from where many buses or trains going to Venice.
By train: Arriving by train just got off the train in Saint Lucia now before us are the landing stages, (hence lines 2 and 41) for BAG Fisola.
BAG Fisola is an island so to get there you need to use public transport more available about every ten minutes (lines 2 and 41)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Do Mini Coopers Have Cam Belts Or Chains
To our friends and fans that we're announcing a preview beginning to clean up the legendary route of Pesio Lock and off-road + truck has since been refurbished.
then continue hiking to the accompaniment, the novelty is that the base point will be fantastic store "TRIBE" by Andrea Bruno, our sample that has just opened a new store in Mondovi, via info @ tribedistribution wedge 74, which will start with ideas, tests, testing materials and techniques and all that our imagination grease the wheels of the world could wish for.
addition we will have facilities available to area chair lift with new avenues which we are thinking about waiting for the thaw. Just be ready
We will keep you informed on how and contacts, yet good 2010 season, which is rich in healthy and fun for everyone!
Paolo Persico
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Other Names For Xanax
The meeting on Thursday '
April 1, 2010 will be possible to buy the presale.
In the case of good attendance will set up a second bus.
imperativeness ..................... FIGHT WITH THE EXTREME! ! !
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Jenna Jameson Streaming Firefighter
Attraverso le rapide della tristezza,
il nudo specchio of the wounds inflicted: there you are
floated forty
skinned trunks. One
swim against the current, you
them all,
touch them all.
Sadness is like a river that goes to its rapids and waterfalls. Water. We are in this fast or look down upon me? And whoever touches the mirror of the plagues? The wounds can not see them directly but only in a mirror. It is the river itself in this mirror that lets you see the wounds inflicted? And the body of whom? There are forty "logs" Forty bodies flayed the "river" of my sadness. I think forty bruised bodies of men. And this thought saddens me to the point that I have to cover their wounds in the water and not directly. But you, friend, my soul, mystagogue, guide you, who you let yourself be carried away by the current of despair and sadness I count them and touch them, mercifully carries the mercy that is owed to the deceased. Not only do not look away, but even more than watching them in their wounds, caress them, I'll take care even if they are now lifeless trunks, skinned.